Monday, April 30, 2007

Monday: It's Just No Good Anyway You Look At It

It really isn't. I think today's Monday stunk, but I think I've been saying that at least for the last several weeks as I recall. People always seem to be grumpy on Mondays. Seems as if everyone was feeling it yet again today. I'm getting tired of it, it's time for people to suck it up and just bear with it until Tuesday. It's not my freakin' fault it's Monday, okay?

Wheew! Got that out of my system. Now I'm ready for Tuesday and the rest of the week. Tomorrow (Tuesday) I'll be in my office for the morning and then back to the extension office in the afternoon. I really like it down there. It's so quiet and peaceful compared to my office. Like I've said before -- it feels like a vacation. But there's always some form of entertainment around there too. I kind of regret not working there this afternoon after the day I had (haha). Typically I reserve all day on Monday for LB Productions -- just so I can help deal with all the craziness. Today was so weird though, it was DEAD in the morning, and then late afternoon everything hit at once! Spread it out people! :)


Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Visit to Boise

Yep, that's where I ended up going this weekend -- Boise, Idaho. It was definitely nice to get out of the county for the weekend. It also amazes me how fast that area is growing. There is both road and building construction like every quarter of a mile. It's crazy!

I went and saw my sister at a barrel racing competition. She did quite well too, with a 15.700 time on Friday and a 16.007 time today (Sunday). I had a good time watching her this weekend. It has been a while since I have watched her, as she goes some place nearly every weekend.

I also saw my friend Clay Hayward. He showed me around the place he lives (it's getting remodeled) and where he works in Meridian (Bohnenkamp's Custom Weld Marina and Off-Road 4x4 center) -- try saying that five times fast (picture above). He seems to like it a lot in that area and is enjoying his job. He and I use to be best pals years ago, but we've sort of gone different paths in recent years -- him especially with going to school and finding a job. But I am happy that he's finding himself and enjoying life.

Going back to work this week again at both my office and the extension office. This back and forth thing has been kind of fun, but I'll be glad when it's over.


Top Ten For Week of April 28, 2007

1. Sterling Shetler
2. Keithanne Boevé
3. Haddie Schmidt
4. John Williams
5. Hannah Bobbitt
6. Cynthia Hilden
7. Clay Hayward
8. Melissa Newhouse
9. Thane Shetler
10.Alyse Fischer

Saturday, April 28, 2007

It's 2am

I'm listening to my favorite tunes and rockin out to them, hoping the neighbors don't call the cops or come knocking on my door.

It was a great week. Another week of amazing computer sales (thank you!). I am glad we must be doing something right in business. When I say "we," I mean the hard working staff of LB Productions.

This week I had a person from an organization that I no longer do business with tell me how much they missed me -- I must say it felt good. When I asked how things were going, I got a less "rosey" response. I told them that was "too bad..." and I really believe that. Their executive director (at that time), thought it was best for the organization to 'move on...' -- but I sincerely hope that was the best decision. Incidentally, the executive director has left the organization since.

I was telling my staff about the visit I had this week, and we came to a realization, we are adding new customers almost on a daily basis... and we had no love-loss over losing this particular organization. I run my business on the basis of trust and respect, and I do believe it should go both ways -- in this case it was very heavily in favor of the customer (it started to become very unfair to the rest of our customers and clients). The deterioration of the business relationship was solely the fault of the executive director at that time. I feel in no way arrogant for making that statement, I've spoken with many, many others in the community who back me up and agree with it, in fact. In addition, I must say, I deeply miss working with a couple of the individuals who are employed there.

It amazes me how the behavior and actions of any one person can make so many others happy, sad, miserable, angry, and any other variety of feelings. This is true in any group, organization, or business -- one person can really make a difference or indifference, however you look at it. I suppose it's part of life.

I think it speaks volumes about Keithanne and Haddie when I miss nearly half the week being at the Extension Office, but yet we still have another banner week at the office. I am proud of them, and will miss Haddie when she departs in July. We do have a couple of prospects on the horizon, I hope they pan out well.

I did enjoy my first week of two at the Extension Office. That place always is an interesting one. There were a couple of occurrences that I can't even mention on this blog that were noteworthy. All ended well though, and I appreciate the change of pace to let my brain decompress.

I plan to head out of town somewhere this weekend, but I'll let you know where I ended up in the next post.

Thank you for reading my rants and posts week after week :-)


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's Been A While

A while, but not that long. The longest I've gone without posting yet this year. Not bad, eh? It has been nearly 5 months since I made that promise. That also doesn't mean my days of frequent blogging are over by any means.

The latter half of the week and weekend were pretty quiet for me. Got some lawn mowed (finally). It seemed like it would rain every time I made an attempt. I finally got it done, but I noticed today that it's almost back as tall as it was just a couple of days ago. Aggravating!

So, this week has been a bit of a roller coaster so far. Monday was total hell. It was a joke if you ask me. Everyone around me was in a piss-poor mood; thus, I was as a result. My staff, customers, everyone just seemed to be "off" yesterday. It sucked out loud. I don't think I could blame it on one single thing, it was just a combination of BS that ruined my day.

Tuesday (today) on the other hand was so much better. I couldn't bare two awful days in a row anyhow. My morning started off well, and I got LB Productions off and running in time for my departure at lunch. I had a good time visiting with my friend Amy Johnson at lunch, and it was an overall better mood for the day.

This afternoon I was at the Extension Office filling in for the vacationing Marsha. I've been doing this for about 7 years now. I remember when I first started working down there I didn't have an office, employees, or nearly the "ball and chain" that my business is now and I was free to take off when I wanted. Oh, the "good 'ol days." Not really though, I was living in a hole in the wall and didn't have hardly anything to call my own then. Those were the days when I was praying they'd call me up to work -- because I needed the money, to pay bills! Obviously, at this point in time it makes more sense to work at my own business as the return is much better -- but I'm not shutting the door completely at Extension. In fact, I work down there whenever I can fit it into my schedule. This stint will last two weeks (through May 4th). So I'll be splitting the time at my business and down there. I just realized when typing this is that I refer to it as "down there." It's in Enterprise in case you didn't know -- which is lower in elevation than Joseph.

Helping out there is almost like a vacation for me, though, as I do not have the responsibilities... (which could take me into a whole different topic of running one's own business). Oh the stress! But the good part is I have places like the Extension Office to clear my mind (and fill it with other stuff that John and staff give me).

I appreciate the opportunities that have been given to me past and present, and do not let them go easily.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Top Ten For Week of April 21, 2007

1. Keithanne Boevé
2. Haddie Schmidt
3. Sterling Shetler
4. Hannah Bobbitt
5. Debbie Bobbitt
6. Carl Bobbitt
7. Cynthia Hilden
8. Amy Kyle-Percy
9. Alyse Fischer
10.Thane Shetler

Monday, April 16, 2007

Shock Waves of Virginia Tech Hit Close to Home

The tragedy of Virginia Tech's deadly school shooting hit rather close to home. I was instantly shocked when I heard where the shooting spree had taken place, as one of my friends went to that school. Fortunately, he hasn't been there for a while and wasn't there today, but many of his friends were affected and some of their friends killed. One's mind can't even comprehend this kind of situation. Today I thought: what if that had hit my college or high school? Certainly these people's lives will be forever changed after today. Many families will be in shock for years to come, and friends (such as my friend Alex) will be affected in horrific way for quite sometime. Alex use to live in Joseph, and so many people around here remember him and still keep in touch. We are just thankful that he didn't end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. But my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this horrible event.


Walking Feels Good, Even on Monday

I have been enjoying my evening walks, quite a lot actually. Some days walking is a breeze, and others it feels like it is all uphill. Tonight it felt all uphill, but it felt good when I crossed the finish line (entered my driveway). You just get a good feeling once you've got out and taken in the fresh air. The biggest advantage I am seeing is my weight loss, though slow is becoming noticeable. This is my reward. The second largest advantage is the loss of stress. I feel so much happier and relaxed now that I walk nearly every night. I recommend it to everyone who can do it!

In other news... Keithanne got a
Shih-Tzu puppy today. She's like a mother all over again and loves it! By no surprise she named it "Porter." This goes perfectly with her other former Portland Trail Blazer Alum pooch "Drexler." She tried talking me into buying the dog's brother, which I would have undoubtidly named "Sabonis."


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Top Ten For Week of April 14, 2007

1. Keithanne Boevé
2. Sterling Shetler
3. Cynthia Hilden
4. Debbie Bobbitt
5. Hannah Bobbitt
6. Carl Bobbitt
7. Linda Barrett Courtney
8. Alyse Fischer
9. Amy Kyle-Percy
10.Thane Shetler


I have been to a lot of them. Over 80 in my lifetime as a matter of fact. This marks the 17th year I have been filming weddings. I started back in 1991, when I was just 11 years old. I even called my business LB Productions back then.

Today, LB Productions is a corporation with employees (including a CEO, CFO, and office manager). A portion of it's workforce is even employed outside of Wallowa County in both Pendleton and Portland. What a difference 17 years later. But I'm still doing what I started out with - video production, my passion.

This Saturday was no different from many during the year. Another wedding to film. Ironically enough, today was the 85th wedding for LB Productions. The sister of the groom was my very first marriage in which I filmed.

The nice thing about being a larger business (believe me there are many pros and cons) is that there are employees to help out. Today, my friend and employee Keithanne helped and took a bunch of great pictures. It made the day go all the better with her assistance.

Today was a success that I share many years over with my business. It was a great day to focus on the positives of my business and reflect on the years of making videos that I still enjoy to this day as much as that first one I made back at the birth of LB Productions, when I was 11.


Monday, April 09, 2007

The Forecast: Mostly Snowy, With A Chance of Depression!

Oh, what a difference a day makes! Look below and you'll find a previous post that boasts about spring finally being here and lifting spirits and all that crap... well let me tell ya, it's here, but winter hasn't left either!

It snowed and snowed in Joseph today. It was lovely. In case you couldn't tell I was being SARCASTIC. It was freaking lame. To top it all off it was Monday at the same time.

One good thing though, Monday went well in the office and even sold couple computers in one day. I was happy about that... just not what was waiting for me outside.

Thankfully I had a good night of television to watch too! The King of Queens and Two and a Half Men were on -- two of my favorite shows. It was a great night to stay in doors!

Last night I also finished a wedding video that has been lingering over me for months, so you could say I am relieved at the very least!


Sunday, April 08, 2007


I took this one from my front yard just a few minutes ago. As you can see spring has finally arrived here! With the exception of the trees, everything is turning green - finally!

Had a rather interesting evening last night. All day I was bored, wishing I had something fun to do... well that finally came true about 4pm. I went and hung out with Sterling and Alyse with her parents and then we went to see 'Wild Hogs' at the OK Theatre. It was entertaining to say the least, and I'm not really talking about the movie. Alyse's dad is quite the character. I wasn't sure if I should watch the movie or watch him instead.

Nonetheless, it was a way better alternative than staying home.

Today, I spent cleaning my house and getting ready for the week. Oh the fun I had! Not really... but I am glad the weather is good (for now at least!).

Top Ten For Week of April 7, 2007

1. Keithanne Boevé
2. Haddie Schmidt
3. Sterling Shetler
4. Debbie Bobbitt
5. Carl Bobbitt
6. Hannah Bobbitt
7. Alyse Fischer
8. Cynthia Hilden
9. Linda Barrett Courtney
10.Amy Kyle-Percy

Saturday, April 07, 2007

A Quiet Week

I guess I missed the memo that the first week of April was going to be rather uneventful and boring. Even LB Productions was unusually slow.

I must say the weather has been nice in Wallowa County, it's just what I needed after coming back from Portland seeing all the tree blossoms and flowers. I was going to be rather sick if I came home to snow, but thankfully that was not the case.

At this point, I am working on catching up on some back-burner projects this weekend so that Monday I'll be ready to hit the ground running, walking, or I guess sitting if that be the case.

I hope this finds you all well... take care!


Sunday, April 01, 2007

In the Swing of Things

I'm back, and in the 'swing' as people would say. It does feel good to be back in my own space.

I came back and my feet hit the ground running at LB Productions. It's almost like people knew I was back or something? I guess a lot did, after all it's a small town we live in. For the most part it was good, but I had the all too familiar stress peak it's ugly head yet again. I'm taking a deep breath, though and I'm not going to go down the high-blood pressure, weight-gaining road again. In fact, I'm losing weight, and I want to keep that trend.

Thankfully, things are going steady at the business and not chaotic. I can deal with it.

I am also happy for the time of year. Things are getting green again, it's getting warmer (well relatively), and a lot of my friends will be back from college in just over a month and I'll have at least a small social life again. It's all about looking forward.


Top Ten For Week of March 31, 2007

1. Keithanne Boevé
2. Sterling Shetler
3. Haddie Schmidt
4. Melissa Newhouse
5. Alyse Fischer
6. Cynthia Hilden
7. Debbie Bobbitt
8. Carl Bobbitt
9. Hannah Bobbitt
10.Riley Makin