Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Tired Day

Went into work this morning tired as all hell. These sleepless nights are biting me in the ass. Monday night I had the bright idea to stay up till 4am helping Zeke fix his computer and I've been paying for it ever since. The days of chemo are what really screwed me up. I can't have a half hour block (or more) taken out of my eight hours of sleep or I am a train wreck. In this case I've been paying for it all week. Tonight I hope to sleep better!

Things at the office were not that smooth either. Put a couple of computers together and couldn't get them to turn on. It's probably an error on my part, guess we'll find out. Still very frustrating.

Came home, and decided to work on the Ron Thompson video (oh and we're calling it the "remembering Ron Thompson project..." -- the official name of the video is going to be something more creative like "Remembering Ron Thompson, the man." Hopefully Chris will help me figure it out. She brought me food tonight and we got to work on it. Kyle Hook helped us critique it, and I have to say the first part is turning out pretty darn good (considering the circumstances of the video). I am just hoping to put together something that the family and friends of Ron can watch and hopefully remember the good times. His service is Saturday.


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