Friday, January 19, 2007

A Crazy Day!

If I started keeping track of new customers to my business, I'd be safe to say I'm getting at least one a day now. The news is great, for me, my employees, and my finances. Things are looking very healthy. The only thing I have to worry about is my own health. In the past several years as my stress at work has increased, I've gained weight and had a hard time focusing on some of the more important things in life. I'm hoping as my business grows I will get to a point where I can start to step back a little and let things flow better without having to be involved all the time. I started to notice that a little this week. I left town on Wednesday, and my office was fairly self-contained... only a couple of questions throughout the day. Maybe some peace is headed my way?

As my friend Erin said... "it's been one crazy night...," she is definitely right... Today was a bad one in Wallowa County, where two people were murdered. It happened out "north..." a son shot a man who murdered his father. It's a sad tale of events. Many of us knew the people involved, some of us knew them very well. I did not, but people like my dad... Erin... and others I know did. We will all be praying for the poor families involved.

On a lighter note, the top ten is almost ready. I apologize, this has to be the latest one ever in the seven years I've been doing a 'top ten of the year...'

More later folks...


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