Thursday, July 27, 2006

Chief Joseph Days

It's here again, the weekend where Joseph swells up to about ten times it's size. The weekend that us locals can hardly understand.

First, I'll start with the negative and then move to the positive...

My sister Hannah is part of the military flag team that presents the flags during each rodeo performance honoring our men and women in the military. After practicing for two weeks, her and her teammates were told they wouldn't appear during the rodeo per Bob Tallman's request. For those of you who don't know, Bob Tallman is a famous rodeo announcer that has been at CJD for several years. Tallman, in his infinite wisdom thought it would take "too much time" for the military flags, and started calling the shots on a rodeo that isn't his to call. He is an announcer paid by the money brought in by the hard working volunteers of Chief Joseph Days. It is because of the good men and women in the military that he is able to announce and make such cowardly decisions that aren't his to make in the first place. I personally would not lose sleep if Bob Tallman never announced at Chief Joseph Days again. Personally, I do not agree with the Bush administration and it's decisions for military action, however, I never seize my support for our military. Our community and people are much larger than a fool who thinks a few minutes is too much to spare to honor the folks who bring us our freedom.

*Sigh*... now onto the fun part.

A lot of my friends are in town for the big celebration. It is great to see everyone again. It reminds me a lot of last summer. I wish everyone was here this summer like last year. Oh well, I'm going to enjoy it while it is going on! We have been going out on the lake all the time and it has been great. Here are a few recent photos from our outings:

Jay attempts a back (or forward flip)

Christian is quite a stud on the wakeboard

Kelsi and Kelsi watch Dylan and Jay wakeboard

Dylan re-learns wakeboarding after a several month absence from Wallowa Lake

Lane cracks up as someone gets 'dumped' off the kite tube.

In other news, I have been helping my friend and employee Keithanne Boeve' move into Joseph from the lake. It has been exhausting at times, but so worth it to see her happy in her new home. Keep up to date with KEITHANNE'S BLOG as she will be updating it (with some nudging from me).

Well folks, that's all for now! -LB

1 comment:

Erin said...

OMG I hadn't heard that about Tallman. Who does he think he is?!

Cool about the parasailing... you're braver than I my friend.