Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sudden Illness

Hey folks, I am still alive. I haven't been very outgoing the past few days as an onset of a flu-like bug left me stricken, and now has developed into phenomena-like symptoms, making it hard for me to breathe. I went the doctor yesterday because the situation got so serious.

Now, I am on Prednisone and Azithromycin, as well as a prescribed inhaler. I made the mistake of going into work on Thursday following an afternoon off on Wednesday. I wasn't ready, and I felt it. By Thursday afternoon I was wheezing loudly and so severe that breathing became very difficult. Finally, I lied down, took the inhaler and rested. I was able to finally breathe once again and write on my blog :-)

I am debating on going in to the office tomorrow, I will see how I feel. We had planned on painting and rearranging the office, but that maybe postponed.

Another awful feeling of this illness, is the tightness in my chest. I was worried I might be suffering some sort of heart-attack, but my doc said it can be a common symptom with all of this congestion. Nevertheless, we are keeping a close eye on things.

Well, that is all I have for now! I'm going to go relax some more and pray for my speedy bounce-back!


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