Monday, February 13, 2006

January 2006 News


Yes, that's right folks, another update. Why so soon you ask? I'm trying to do a better job here.

My life has just been insane lately. Everyone working at my business is going crazy because of everything there is to do. Meanwhile, I have been filling in during afternoons at the Extension Office. I am opting-out of filling in so much because my business has become so demanding. I will say the time I do work out of my office is a nice break!

I am still walking every night. I have been since October, don't know if I'm getting fit or not, but I am sure feeling a lot better!


Yeah, it just might be about that time to update my site. How freakin' lame. I go three weeks without an update? Should I complain about how my life is hectic and I can't seem to ever get a chance? Well things do seem to be simmering down a bit and I can return to regular updates. Happy New Year by the way! Let's hope 2006 is a great year.

January hasn't exactly started off with a bang, but hey the Seahawks are going to the Superbowl!!!

I'm thinking new year, new page ... look for that soon.


It's a new year! I'm ready to go back to the daily routine of my life. I look forward to a prosperous 2006.

Had a good time over the holidays with my family and all my friends in town.

1 comment:

Levi J. Bobbitt said...

Wow, if anyone read all that, they'd be nuts!