Monday, July 02, 2007

Summer Time

This has been the longest stretch thus far that I have not posted... for that I apologize. But I'm still doing a better job than last year, right?

Beyond that, my summer has been very busy so far. I'm enjoying hanging out with Melissa Newhouse who has commandeered one of my spare rooms in my house. She is interning for an accounting firm in Enterprise. So far this summer we've had a blast getting to know each other better. I like the fact that I have someone to go to La Grande with me in the middle of the night!
(PHOTO CAPTION: Kyle Hook Wakeboarding on 7/1/07)

LB Productions has been VERY busy. We have been busy repairing a lot of computers. Sales have dropped off a little, but in other areas of the business we are seeing more activity. The past two weeks in a row I've been booked for filming weddings. In late August I will begin a stint of weddings lasting a month (each Saturday). This has been my busiest year for weddings ever.

Other than the daily routine, I have nothing else real new to report. I look forward to a fun fourth! I'll post more on that later...

As I've dropped hints in previous posts, I'm telling you right now, that big changes are in store soon. When I can give you details publicly I will. The change is big, the change is real.


(PHOTO CAPTION: Levi J. Bobbitt, filming a wedding on 6/30/07)

1 comment:

Brian & Charlotte Carper said...

I can't wait to hear/read what your big changes are! Hope its something that brings you happiness. :) Alicia