Friday, September 14, 2007

On My Way to OHSU

It's been a while, and I know that. I am sorry. It has been a trying few weeks. The Lymphomatoid Papulosis is here to stick around for a while.

It has been three weeks of fighting to get into OHSU. It finally happened this week when my local doctor got me in for October 23. Being disgusted with that length of time, I have decided to check myself into the ER of Oregon Health & Science University in Portland on Sunday so I can get some help, now.

The LyP has advanced, a lot. It has covered a large portion of my foot. My fear is that it has turned into cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma at this stage. This would require some radiation at the very least.

For the past several nights I have woken up scared, that my cancer has returned. Though, I must say that if it has, this time should be much easier as it is more or less "contained" to my foot and has not traveled into my blood or any other organ in my body (at least that is my hope).

On top of it all, I have some really strong and strange infection with bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics. For three weeks I took Levaquin which did nothing, so two days ago I started stuff that is actually supposed to work.

With little being known about LyP, I am headed off to the big city in hopes someone will pay attention to me, and find a cure for my ailment.


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