Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Long Drive

Finally, an end to the crazy week that was. My good buddy Sterling asked if wanted to along with him to Paul, Idaho. Yeah... Paul, Idaho. I was like "where the f*** is that?" -- so after a quick lookup on Google Earth, I found out it was about 400 miles away! We nearly went to the Utah border on Saturday because of a dog. But, I do have to say it's supposed to be a really nice border collie pup. So, I was happy to go along. After all, what was I going to do this weekend? Sit and stare at a wall, that's what.

Sunday was a lot more lazy. I caught up on some much needed sleep (after nearly 15 hours of driving yesterday). Caught up on my Tivo recordings.

I also attempted to make a Bloomin' Onion. Keyword: "attempt." Man, you should just go to Outback and let them make the real deal for you. After all the work, mine looked like something ran it over, and it tasted like crap! Oh well, I guess it was that much less grease that I didn't consume.

So there ya have it, my exciting weekend! Looking forward to going on vacation at the end of next week. Go to get through this week first though :~(


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