Tuesday, January 23, 2007

LB Productions: Growing Pains

You've heard me rant about it before, but now you're really going to get an earful!

First of all, let me state that I am not complaining!

My business is in a state of growth that it has never experienced before. All of us are exhausted, but doing our best. When I say "we" I mean my employees and I. We discovered today we are selling nearly a computer a day. This comes as January (a normally slow month) has boasted record sales in my company's nearly 8 years of existence (four of which we have actively sold computers).

Again, don't get me wrong... I am NOT complaining, but this 12-15 hour day routine is starting to wear on me! If it wasn't for Keithanne, Haddie, and Jay, I would have killed myself. But, they too helped the business grow to what it is. I am now finding myself at a point where I have the need to hire a fifth person; at the same time I am being very cautious to make sure this isn't just a temporary trend... so we will see!

The thing I have gotten to do lately is reflect on how well I've done without any real outside help. I am the poster child for not have used the county's business facilitation program (though, I am not discouraging anyone from doing so). Things have progressed to the state they're in today all because of word of mouth. For that, I am proud of my fine folks working for me, and perhaps even myself. But before I am too quick to pat myself on the back, I need to inform you that this hasn't happened without a bunch of potholes in the road...!

I will just continue to do what I know is best for the business, and hope that it continues to grow at a rate where I can start relaxing... we can all dream, right?

In the meantime did anyone catch the State of the Union address tonight? ....... me either...... and don't get me started on that subject.


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