Monday, October 13, 2008

The Post-Chemo Lag

What am I talking about? It seems I don't feel all cruddy from chemo treatments, until the Monday after a Thursday treatment. Well not exactly, but here's how it has been going: I have chemo on Thursday, then the very next day (on Friday), I feel a bit tired, but not too cruddy. Saturday and Sunday, I (again) feel about the same, just a bit off my game, tired and just a tad cruddy... then comes Monday... I wake up feeling like I have been hit real hard in the stomach, legs swollen, and very, very tired. But don't get the wrong idea -- I feel crappy overall, all the time. I just feel the worst on the Monday following a treatment.

This past treatment went a little better than the last. The previous treatment I had two weeks ago gave me severe 'sunburn-like' burns and made life miserable! My Salem oncologist decided with my OHSU Portland oncologist to lower the dose of my chemotherapy by 20% to prevent the burns. It seems to have worked. I did get a hint of a burn this time, but NOTHING like last time. I am very grateful!

HATS OFF, to my friend Malinda Hoke for visiting me in the hospital while I was receiving treatment. She is the first and only so far to visit me while I have had treatment. I hope that's a hint to some of my other friends ;-). I told her though, "don't take any work off!" and she told me she wasn't, but still showed up -- I still have no idea if she took time off or not. She's still a very classy GAL for visiting me. THANK YOU MALINDA!

In other news... I am having a good time living with my friend Thane here in Salem. He's been a good guy to be roommates with. Especially going through what I have, it's been nice to have a familiar face around to talk to and hang out with.

Another shout-out to my fellow ODOT employees for donating their vacation time on my behalf. It is generosity such as that, which has enabled me to keep my medical insurance and keep some of a paycheck! I nearly could have lost my insurance, but thankfully did not, because I work with some very dedicated and generous folks.



Our son Kade said...

Glad to hear this treatment went better! Those drugs sounds nasty, must be very difficult to endure. We're thinking about you! Good luck, and thanks for keeping everyone posted. :) Alicia

Anonymous said...

hey levi how are you?
im sorry about the dificult time !
you will do it...
the treatment gave u sunburns that seems awfull..
i hope get better soon

well u dont know me susana im 22 years old and im from portugal

im sorry about my english heheh

kisses and hugs


Anonymous said...

Malinda's a cool gal...she visited me in the hospital back in Feb when I had cellulitis. I'm anxious to see what you'd write up about Kelly and Malinda. Take care, friend! ~Lori

Anonymous said...

check out my blog:


Anonymous said...

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