I also want my blog to be an open discussion area. If any of you wish to share something, please send it on and I will be happy to post. Plus, you are ALWAYS welcome to click on the comment button below the post to share your thoughts. Additionally, if any of you ever become annoyed, gratified, or wish to add or withdraw from my list, just send me an e-mail, okay? No hard feelings either way! :) Take care.

This cancer is finally starting to show it's ugly side. For the past couple weeks now (at least) I have been suffering from severe fatigue. Yes, the pain medication is a huge part of it, but even when I back off from taking as much I feel tired. The only difference is I have lots of pain. Yesterday, was the first day I felt nauseous. It was very odd, I had lunch an hour previously, and then I started to feel very sick. I almost had to visit the bathroom (if you know what I mean), but I took some deep breaths and got through the feeling. So, tomorrow (Monday), couldn't come soon enough when I visit my new oncologist at Salem Hospital. He and my OHSU oncologist have a working relationship that will allow me to be under his care and so I don't have to drive as far every week. I thank Bill Courtney for driving last week. It was a big relief not having to drive that distance with my bad leg. I would have to rely on people every week if I couldn't go to Salem. I didn't want to put that sort of burden on my friends. It also sounds like that Salem has a very nice Cancer Institute. It also will be just minutes from my house.
I went to work two days last week and I expect to hopefully go more this week -- maybe 3-4 days. My new manager has been very understanding.
I'll admit -- I feel sick and tired. My activity is at an all time low right now. This mostly has to do with the cancer, but also some personal matters on the side. But with friends keeping my spirits lifted, I have no worries. My friend Michele came to visit for the day yesterday -- that was pretty cool. She is helping me get a new pet (probably a kitten). I am excited for that. Then last week, my pal Jonathan and I went to a pub and got a bit to eat, played some guitar hero. Later in the week I went to his place and we enjoyed some brews and watched Hancock -- a pretty good Will Smith flick.
So, all in all I am staying alive here. Yeah, life could be much better for me right now... but I am doing my best to stay afloat.
hang in there levi things are going to get better your the toughest guy i know love dad
Hats off to Levi "501" Bobbitt
I tried to post a comment on Levi's blog, but it kept restricting me to less than 300 characters, and I just couldn't say what I wanted to say in 300 characters, so I decided to post about Levi 501 here on our blog.
When I first met Levi "501" Bobbitt about 23 years ago, I remember this little white haired boy who had lots of energy and smiles. Alicia came home from kindergarten and told us there was a boy in her class named Levi 501 - like Levi 501 Jeans. I said, there is a boy named, Levi Bobbitt, is that who you mean? and she said, "no, Levi Bobbitt is someone else, I don't know him - I just know Levi 501".
So, as she told you, we have always called you Levi 501 Jeans. I don't know what that has to do with having cancer, just whenever we think of you, we smile, but now our smile sort of turns to a tear as it is breaking our hearts for you to be suffering and fighting this fight again. I wish I knew what to say.
I DO KNOW what it is like to get up every morning and look at that pill box and know how sick each of those pills is going to make you and then knowing how sick you will be if you don't take them. Every meal tasting like sawdust, but knowing you have to eat it. Hurting so much you can't lay in bed or sit in a chair or stand up - that doesn't leave any place to put your body that doesn't make you cry out in pain.
And your loss of personal relationship and setbacks at work just when you got your ideal promotion -
There aren't any words from me that are going to help you thru this but I want you to know that we do wish for you to be able to once more be that little light-hearted boy that didn't have a care in the world and didn't know what the future held for him besides running around the playground and swimming at the lake. Our prayers are with you and we are pulling for you to win this fight again.
So, Hang on, Levi 501, Hang on. Love, The Carpers
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