Most recently, I just got out of a two day hospital stay for cellulitis. This hit me with a vengence on Sunday evening when I became extremely tired, dizzy, light-headed, and nauseated. Once I fell asleep I began to have a temperature and woke up in a sweat almost all over my body. Feeling better, I drove home to Salem from Portland where I was at with my girlfriend. I went to sleep, but felt pain in my right leg all night. Not knowing what was going on, I looked down at it in the morning discovering it was red from my waist to my knee. It was obviously infected.
I immediatly called Carrie and we went to the ER at OHSU. Shortly after seeing it, the doctors admitted me immediatly, requesting I stay the night for observation. I was put on IV antibiotics and monitored closely. It was amazing how quickly the infection had spread. I felt drained and very sick for several hours after. Finally the antibiotics kicked in, and I started feeling better.
Here is a Wikipedia explanation: Cellulitis is an inflammation of the connective tissue underlying the skin, that can be caused by a bacterial infection. Cellulitis can be caused by normal skin flora or by exogenous bacteria, and often occurs where the skin has previously been broken.
The truth is, we don't know how I got it, and when I asked one doctor that question, the response was "bad luck." Go figure, I think I've had that for 27 years.
In other news, things with my girlfriend and I have been going great now. I love spending almost everyday with her. She is a great person and I am thankful to have her in my life!
Recently, we spent Memorial Day in Joseph and I showed her around Wallowa County. Here are some pictures we took recently both then and on other outings:
Carrie, and her dog "Louie"
Me and 'Carebear' on our first coast trip to Lincoln City
We stopped by Multnomah Falls during our recent trip to Joseph
Carrie and I on our trip down the Imnaha River towards Cow Creek.
My pal Antoun, who recently moved to Eugene, and Jonathan in the background.
Dylan's last night before going in the Marines. Me, Dylan, and Thane from left to right.
Imnaha Canyon rims, what a cool looking place!
One last look at the Imnaha River Canyon!
Ok, so now you're caught up, at least for the time being. I am happy to say I am back in fairly good health and planning on keeping it that way. Oh, and one last thing, I'm losing weight from going to the gym almost everyday for an hour and a half. Good health is on the horizon, I can feel it.
Good health BETTER be on the horizon! Will you stay out of the hospitals man?! GEESH!
I'm glad you caught it in time and you're OK now Levi.
I am SOO GLAD you found Carrie! It's soo nice seeing you happy! You deserve it my friend!
Take Care & GB Hugs,
Glad you are feeling better, Levi! NO MORE HOSPITALS!!
P.S. Carrie is adorable. :)
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