For those of you who haven't noticed, I've merged my website "THE BUZZ" into my "NEWS BLOG." Rather than maintaining it all separately, it only made sense to conglomerate it all into one, easy to edit, easy to update, more "live" interface. If you go to my original site address: levi.lbsites.com you will end up here at: levijosephbobbitt.blogspot.com -- either way you shake it, you will get where you need to go. Also, a couple weeks ago I moved my blog hosting over to Google from my own hosting because it only made sense to have Google's free hosting rather than fill up for my own 'paid for' space.
I hope you like what you see here. Keep watching as I add more features and continue to dress things up a bit. I will continue to add my favorite websites to the left-hand column, add to my story and history, and write things about my friends.
Also, if you've noticed you started receiving my blog entries in your email box when you never use to, that is probably because I added your email to the group list. The email: thegang@lbsites.com will send to everyone on the list (this is the blog's email). And, in all honesty, if you're not interested in hearing about my boring life -- I don't blame you and won't have any hard feelings. Simply email me: levi@lbsites.com and tell me you would like to unsubscribe. I will take you off the list -- no questions asked. Additionally, if you're reading this via my blog site -- and would like to start having my entires delivered to your email box, just email to the address above letting me know you'd like your address to be included to the list. As always, I promise not to put you on any other mailing lists beyond this one.
Thank you all for reading my mindless drivel!
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