Saturday, February 24, 2007


I am finally starting to feel better after I got a cold over a week ago. The timing (as I said in a previous post) was horrible as I've already been fighting ongoing sinusitis. Well, after some antibiotics, lots of rest, I am very happy to say I am on the rebound. This comes just in time for my trip to Ohio with Christian. I am looking forward to this like you wouldn't believe. It is a much needed break from my daily life and will inevitably be good for my soul. I will be leaving on March 10 for Portland, when Christian and I will be departing on March 13th. I will return back to Portland (flying from Pittsburgh, PA) on 3/21. I will drive back to the county that week and be back at work the following week.

I plan on keeping you posted during my trip as I will take my laptop with me.

Other than that, business has been stellar -- LB Productions is about to have it's highest grossing month in history. The operation has been going very smoothly and far more efficiently as of recent, which has made stress levels go down and profits go up.

I hope this finds you and yours to be well this weekend.


Top Ten For Week of February 24, 2007

1. Keithanne Boevé
2. Haddie Schmidt
3. Sterling Shetler
4. Cynthia Hilden
5. Debbie Bobbitt
6. Carl Bobbitt
7. Christian Ambroson
8. Hannah Bobbitt
9. James Arnott
10.Amy Kyle-Percy

New Lake Cam

Great news folks! After several delays and a faulty camera, we're back in business with the camera at the lake.

First of all, I owe a huge thanks to Dave G., he's the guy who owns the property where the camera sits. It's thanks to his satellite internet connection and ingenuity that the cam is able to keep going day after day. He was also a huge help in installing the camera.

The camera can now tilt and rotate remotely at Dave's discretion, so you will probably be seeing some new views from the location in which it sits.

Here's the current view (if it's dark when you read this, it will probably show black):

I am VERY happy with the outcome! The picture quality also should be MUCH better as this camera has a 1.3 megapixel picture, unlike the old one which didn't even come close. We've reduced the quality of the shot a little bit for faster upload time. In the coming days and weeks we will probably adjust it here and there to obtain the highest quality picture.

Thanks to everyone for being so patient, and to those who make a periodic donation to the cam, it's what helps keep it going!


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Nocturnal State

What am I doing up this hour? Why can't I sleep?

I am turning into more of a nocturnal creature everyday. I don't know how to stop myself! But at least this time I have an excuse...

I've been sick for a few days now, and I hope I am rounding the corner now. I've been taking Nyquil to help myself sleep at night. It seems like when I get sick, I have a hard time resting, which is exactly what one's body needs! Well, tonight the Nyquil wore off about four hours later, so you're left with a Levi who is up at some strange hours waiting for his next round to kick in.

Yes, probably at the end of this blog I will be quite groggy again. Thank God!

It has been a real interesting weekend. For those of you who thought I got President's Day off, think again! For those of you who think I work banker's hours, think again! And for those of you who think being a small business owner doesn't involve hard work and many hours, THINK AGAIN!

Yeah, so that's what I did most of Monday. Spent time catching up, building computers, and returning phone calls. Even on a day when my business was supposed to be closed. This probably didn't help my sickness, but it had to be done regardless. Ahhh, the life of a business owner -- but hey I get so set my own hours, right? Even if they are at 3 freakin am in the morning!

That being said, I think I'm starting to drift, and I thank you for listening to my mindless drivel time and time again on this blog!

To all a good night!


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Top Ten For Week of February 17, 2007

1. Haddie Schmidt
2. Sterling Shetler
3. Debbie Bobbitt
4. Carl Bobbitt
5. Cynthia Hilden
6. Keithanne Boevé
7. Kyle Hook
8. Tristan Patton
9. Joyce Zollman
10.Christian Ambroson

Bad Timing

After seeing my ear nose and throat doc in Walla Walla this past Tuesday, I learned that my reoccurring sinus infection is fairly mild. The problem is, it's in a very bad spot. The majority of the infection lies in my frontal sinuses, making it very hard to go in and open things up. Things like my eyes and optical nerves are right near the infection. My specialist wants to refer me to a specialist should I opt to have the surgery. The thing is, in recent days my sinuses were miraculously clearing out for the first time in months. It was all smooth sailing until yesterday (Saturday) when I came down with a cold. Now I'm all full of nasty mucus. So, the last couple of days I've spent taking all kinds of things, included a prescription that my doc gave me. I'm a fighter and I'm going to hit this in all directions. I'm hoping with the combination of over the counter stuff and prescriptions I am taking, that I will keep clear enough from having any major problems.

In other news... I haven't really had this weekend off. Yesterday I was playing catch up with a service call and some computer upgrading for a friend. Today I am taking it easy, but I'm off again tomorrow on another service call. Hopefully I will get ahead of this madness.

On a much happier note, I've gotten several comments of my recent weight loss. So I know I am moving in the right direction. I've been forced to take a couple nights off from walking since the cold, but I'll be back at it in the next night or two.


Thursday, February 15, 2007


It was a long day. There's just too much on my plate right now, and I'm starting to get a little edgy. Something has got to give.

I've had one of my employees gone on a family emergency almost a week now. I am very short handed, and thus stressed. But life is too short for this, so people will just have to be understanding.

Tomorrow should be a much more mellow day. No back-to-back service calls.

In other news, I am excited about going to Steubenville Ohio next month. My best bud Christian and I will be taking his car back. Then I will fly back. It should be a way fun road trip. God knows I need something to take my mind off this insanity otherwise known as my life. It should be a good decompressing for my brain.


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Relay For Life

It's in full gear now. I spent most of my Saturday in La Grande at the fire station having a committee meeting. I am the online chairperson for the Union/Wallowa County version of Relay For Life. At first I had no clue what I was doing; but from the moment I was asked, I felt passionate about the cause.

It's been almost 10 years since I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I am alive today because of the advances in research which is largely supported by the American Cancer Society. I am also alive because of the family and friends who supported me during the horrific time. It was a time I would not wish on anyone. This is why I feel such an attachment to an organization like this.

It's quite simple (and no, I'm not making a sales pitch to you), I get my family, friends, and even strangers to donate the cause. $10, $25, $100 or even more will go support our efforts and those of ACS -- and a good part of that goes to research.

I'm getting excited about our big event in June. This will be the actual relay, and though it is a race, it's more about honoring those who have survived and remembering those who weren't so lucky. I know I have been struck by this disease first hand, and I'd like to give my best shot to helping it go away.

I have provided a link below if you are interested in donating. It will take you to my 'donation page,' and I am setting a goal of raising at least $250. Though, I hope it is a goal I can increase. I thank all of you for supporting me through one of the worst times in my life, and now I'm asking yet again through what is one of the more positive times in my life.


Top Ten for week of February 10, 2007

1. Keithanne Boevé
2. Haddie Schmidt
3. Sterling Shetler
4. Debbie Bobbitt
5. Carl Bobbitt
6. Matt Williams
7. Riley Makin
8. Cynthia Hilden
9. Gin Sawin
10.Michele Sawin

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Top Ten for week of February 3, 2007

1. Keithanne Boevé
2. Haddie Schmidt
3. Ezekial Hale
4. Dylan Lewis
5. Sterling Shetler
6. Gin Sawin
7. Michele Sawin
8. Erin Melville
9. Linda Barrett Courtney
10.Debbie Bobbitt

I'm Back!

That's right, I'm back in the county. Oh yay, oh yay. It's not that bad though. I was happy to be home this evening.

Last Friday I had the worst "escape" ever as one of the Chamber's computers crashed, and I had to resolve it before I could leave town. Well, finally about 4pm Friday I departed on a very fun trip. I arrived about 11pm to the dorm of Ezekial Hale at Lewis & Clark. We, then departed to the apartment of Dylan Lewis in Beaverton. We hung out and played some xbox and what not. Unfortunatly, Thane was no where nearby as he ditched us...but that was the only bummer of the evening. It was great, and I finally got in about 2am in Aumsville (the house I was sitting near Salem). The next morning I saw my friends Gin and Michele in Salem -- we went to Applebee's and walked the Lancaster Mall. Saturday night, I headed up for round two and met up with Zeke. He and his roomates came along to watch Smokin Aces at the Bridgeport in Tigard. Then in the early morning hours we ate at Sharis. I had no idea that anyone could be as unqiue as Zeke, but his roommates come close to it. They are a good match! I had a very entertaining time!! Sunday I spent being fairly lazy and then watched the Superbowl, and to my disappointment I did not get to see the Bears win. I must say though, watching the commercials on the big plasma tv was no bummer. I headed out yet again to McMinnville and had dinner at Mcmenamins with some friends. We walked around the bustling metropolis of McMinnville (otherwise known as Mac). It was a great time, and I headed back at yet another early hour. Monday was spent shopping for some new clothes then Monday evening I headed for Corvallis. Met up with Matt W. and Riley M. and we went and saw the WORST movie ever. DO NOT bother to ever see Epic Movie... it has to be the lamest ever. It was a parody on action/fantasy movies recently... but I must say it really sucked! I headed back shortly after and arrived back in Aumsville about 1am. Then this morning (Tuesday), I departed back for the county. So did you get all that? Joseph to Portland to Beaverton, back to Portland, to Salem, to Aumsville, back to Salem, then back to Portland, to Tigard, back to Salem, to Aumsville, to McMinnville, back to Salem to Aumsville, then to Corvallis, back to Salem, to Aumsville, and back to Joseph this morning. Yes, it was a FULL trip!

Here is the cool house that I house-sit every once in a while:

It's located on ten beautiful acres about 10 miles east of Salem.

Now that I'm back, it's back to work of course, but at least this week will be short for me! My next adventure is going to the ear-nose-throat specialist to find out what is going to happen with my reoccurring (awful) sinus infection -- which no antibiotic can hardly keep under control!


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Today Sucked!

Okay, even being a cancer survivor and 'appreciating every day I have,' even my nerves can be worn down. Boy, were they today!

I woke up (first mistake), went to work at what looked like a pretty casual plate of tasks, well that all changed when the phone started ringing off the hook, people walking in (straight back to me), and everyone wanting everything done yesterday!

I went to lunch (second mistake), and upon my return I got out of my car and slipped on the ice. My knee is now jerked out of shape and both my hands are scraped up. I waddled back in only to find yet more customers wanting stuff done this afternoon. So, then I showed up to my afternoon service call late and that ended up a nightmare because the person's computer quit all together. This all on the heels of me leaving tomorrow for a trip to the Willamette Valley. But guess what? I can't go until much later now until I get the computer problem resolved! Meanwhile, two other customers were having issues and unfortunately on at least one of them only I could take care of it. But thanks to my employees it did go a bit easier upon late afternoon. I can say everyone tried.

The evening was topped off by a snotty comment made by one of my friend's moms. I cannot really disclose any details about who or what happened, but it just wasn't what I needed at the end of the day.

Finally, I came home to Grey's Anatomy and started relaxing. Hopefully in the morning I can get this client's computer not-turning-on-anomaly fixed up in time to dash out of the county for a quick get-away!

For those of you who just read this rant, I am both sorry and thankful that you cared enough to sift through it. I will have better days soon, and I'll report back :)

Take care everyone!