As you can see, I've come a long way from Michigan, to Indiana, to Ohio, and finally to Pennsylvania, but I have survived this trip.It feels like it's been a long journey, but that's right, I am BACK! I feel so wonderful to be back in Oregon! I got off the plane just last night and was literally dancing on the ground at the airport!
Coming back wasn't the easiest, though. I enjoyed one last day with Christian in Pittsburgh, where we ate some good food and cruised the mall there before he dropped me off at the airport.
Going through airport security was no fun with all my electronic gadgets! I used like four of the bins they give you to put your stuff in. After I emptied my laptop case with all my cords and adapters into the bin, they told me I "really didn't have to do that." But for some reason, these are the people who want to see your shoes. I thought better safe than sorry. Then, I went through the metal detector and set it off, and that made the guy freak out. So I walked through a second 'slower' time, and it did not go off. Then the dude wrote some code on the back of my boarding pass for the other security to see. I have a feeling I was "flagged" for something! Nevertheless, I finally made it through, and prepared for takeoff.
I boarded the plane for Chicago (where I had my layover), and the plane literally took off, got up in the air, and landed again. It was the shortest flight I've ever been on. But I wasn't done, no sirreeee, not done at all. I arrive in Chicago and see the gate for the Portland plane is stuffed to the gils, and I know it's going to be a full flight. Since I flew Southwest Airlines this time around, it's open seating, so as you can imagine everyone is in line so they get a first choice on what seat they get. I managed to find a seat, but the plane was full to the brim. Every single seat was filled on that flight (which I now refer to as the flight from hell). I will tell you why -
1) There were six babies aboard, and all of them cried at the same time, or one at a time during the entire flight!
2) Oh, ya, the babies, had to go poo several times. Everyone smelled it as it traveled through the airplanes' ventallation system.
3) I sat to the most annoying person ever - it was this flaky chick who wanted a boob job. She also was absessed with her eyebrows and various other features she was considering having enhanced. I wanted to poke my ear drums out so I didn't have to listen to her naisally voice any longer!
4) The pilots both left the cockpit at a time and started looking concerned at the flight attendants. My thought at this time was: "WHO IS FLYING THE F____ING PLANE?"
5) Granted my ticket was VERY reasonable, they did not have any sort of entertainment on the flight. No movie, no tv, no nothing... just me listening to the flake!
6) The flight was long, and for some reason the air started getting hotter and hotter, I almost broke a sweat sitting to my seat!
7) Someone's kid wouldn't stop coughing next to me, so I wouldn't be surprised if I caught something!
I entered my motel room last night, and collapsed on the bed. The numerous time changes and nearly 7,000 roundtrip miles I traveled, finally took their toll on me.
However, I woke up and realized... I WAS HOME (well almost), but still HOME!

I woke up in Portland to a beautiful clear sky. I know this picture doesn't do justice, but as you can imagine it was bliss for my head!
It might be party cloudy here, but it looks clear to me! HAHA
Well, as my brain comes back together I will post more later. Thanks to all of you for putting up with me through this adventure.