Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all!
I will be going to Cove this year to celebrate the holiday with my family. I hope this finds you all well! Here are some festive Christmas shots of my hometown and business.

Keep an eye out for the top ten of 2006 in the coming week! Though the list is delayed from it's normal debut, it will still be ready to go before the new year! Again, Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you all! -LB

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Top Ten for week of December 9, 2006

1. Keithanne Boeve'
2. Haddie Schmidt
3. Sterling Shetler
4. Chris Gamboa
5. Cynthia Hilden
6. Alyse Fischer
7. Hannah Bobbitt
8. Debbie Bobbitt
9. Carl Bobbitt
10.Kyle Bollman

It's That Time of Year

Yes, the holidays... the wonderful stinkin' holidays. The time where everyone gets so materialistic it makes a person want to puke.

Okay, so I'm not a big fan of the 'holidays.' I have in recent years even been known to get a little depressed around this time of year. I have a wonderful family and group of friends to spend them with, but yet the time of year bores me to death.

I am starting to change my tune though, and focus my feelings on the real reason for the holidays. To give to others, especially those who need it the most. 9 years ago this month I was diagnosed with Lymphoma, and people came pouring out of the woodwork to help me.

Recently, three people I know in the county I live in have been diagnosed with cancer, a couple of them terminal. I think it's time I stop feeling sorry for myself and put positive thoughts their way and pray for them and their families, just like the folks did for me.

Besides, I have plenty to be thankful for -- a striving and successful business which employs people; a great family, and a whole lot of friends. This year I promise to be HAPPIER for the HOLIDAYS!