Yeah it's been quite some time (once again) since I've updated. But I am more than happy to update you and hopefully stay on top of it this time around.
First of all, I am writing this blog entry just off the heals of a terribly horrible stomach flu. Yeah, I was in bed for the past couple of days (or on my couch watching TV). I was pretty useless, but got some television and back Tivo recordings caught up on.
My sickness couldn't have come a day sooner or I wouldn't have made it back from vacation. What I time I had... what a time we had... yes I took a friend along and we had a great time!
Chris came along with me to the Oregon Coast, Gleneden Beach to be more specific. We really enjoyed our stay at a beautiful condo which was oceanfront.
We really had a great time, and hope to do it again when time warrants! I also plan to head back to the Willamette Valley in December, but probably won't make it to the coast.
If I don't write before Thanksgiving, everyone have a great holiday!
If I don't write before Thanksgiving, everyone have a great holiday!