Sunday, August 27, 2006

This Too, Has Passed

Finally some relief this week! I had a pretty good time on Saturday going with friend Kyle Bollman to see Snakes on a Plane. It wasn't that bad of a movie actually. I had rather low expectations that it would be about just what you would think 'snakes on a plane.' Though, it was a lot about that, it had a pretty good plot line. It was worth going out to La Grande and watching. I don't know if I'd make a point to see it twice, not at least until it's on DVD.

What a difference a week makes. Last week I was complaining about lousy customers' attitudes... this week couldn't have been more the opposite. I dealt with mostly pleasant people (perhaps they read this blog?) -- I doubt it, but it was like night and day. We were glad to have a break. That doesn't mean business was slow, however; no quite the contrary... LB Productions is rising high out of a lull from last month. We aren't ever slow, but we were slower in July, but August has been exactly the opposite. Probably the most exciting thing is the new computer line we are building. Tidal Wave Computers hit the floor this week, and they are already selling before we can build them. I came up with the idea to build high quality computers a few weeks ago after I've had increasingly less confidence in Dell. Though I still believe they are a very solid machine, it is the customer service and support that is suffering. They are trying far too hard to compete with Wal-Mart specials, and thus the support suffers. When I originally started my relationship with Dell they were high-end machines, mostly used by the corporate world. I am not sure if their competition with the low-end market has helped them. I will still continue to sell the notebooks indefinitely, because I think no one builds them better -- but I believe I can beat the price and quality of the desktops and have quicker turn around for my customers.

Enough about business, hope everyone is having a good weekend. I know I am! -LB

Top Ten for Week of August 26, 2006

1. Keithanne Boeve'
2. Kyle Bollman
3. Jay Watts
4. Debbie Bobbitt
5. Carl Bobbitt
6. Chris Gamboa
7. Joe Dawson
8. Hannah Bobbitt
9. Ezekial Hale
10.Sterling Shetler

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Joys of Business

Hello all, so sorry it has been so very long since I've written. My life has been utter chaos the past couple of weeks. I am working harder than ever before, and you think I would be getting rich from the amount of business that has walked through my door. Oh no, of course not... it has been just a bunch of irate customers and BS that makes owning your own business somewhat of a challenge.

Yes, I'm ranting... but I have good reason. People just don't get it. When you are working your butt off trying to help them out -- they just don't seem to get it.

Earlier this week I had a client call me up and claim that I was "overcharging" her because she thought a computer tutorial to operate her powerpoint was included in the computer sale. I thought for a moment and regained my clarity of the situation. Does a car dealer give you free driving lessons with a car? Obviously not. So I knew I was not out of line in the situation. So, I met the person half way and they still were somewhat unsatisfied.

Oh, the joys of business. Though I must say most of the time my business is NOT like this, but you too can relate when there's one or two bad seeds in the pile it tends to ruin your day (or week in my case). This week has been just as crazy, but far less irate (thank God). I am hopefully growing a thicker skin through all of this and becoming a better businessman for it. Okay, there folks I am done. I promise to be a lot more chipper next blogging session! :) -LB