Sunday, July 30, 2006

Top Ten for week of July 29, 2006

1. Chris Gamboa
2. Keithanne Boeve'
3. Jay Watts
4. Christian Ambroson
5. Kyle Bollman
6. Kyle Hook
7. Cynthia Hilden
8. Sterling Shetler
9. Elisa Gamboa
10.Dylan Lewis

Lazy Sunday

Well, after a long and hectic weekend, Chief Joseph Days has come to a close for 2006. Thank goodness! I am actually looking forward to a return of 'normal life' at least for now.

I went to the rodeo Saturday night and had a pretty good time. It wasn't the best, nor the worst rodeo I've ever seen at CJD. It was worthwhile, however. I was also pleased to see the announcer (Bob Tallman) recognize the military at least to a certain extent. Though I am still angry about the whole situation that occured (read previous post), he at least didn't go completly sour in my book.

Had a great time selling beer tokens in the Thunder Room Saturday night. A lot of crazy and rowdy drunks were there as a person can imagine. Even some underage drinkers trying to sneek in. The evening was exciting, but enough is a enough for another year. -LB

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Top Ten for week of July 22, 2006

1. Keithanne Boeve'
2. Jay Watts
3. Kyle Bollman
4. Ezekial Hale
5. Kyle Hook
6. Melissa Newhouse
7. Debbie Bobbitt
8. Hannah Bobbitt
9. Christian Ambroson
10. Carl Bobbitt

Chief Joseph Days

It's here again, the weekend where Joseph swells up to about ten times it's size. The weekend that us locals can hardly understand.

First, I'll start with the negative and then move to the positive...

My sister Hannah is part of the military flag team that presents the flags during each rodeo performance honoring our men and women in the military. After practicing for two weeks, her and her teammates were told they wouldn't appear during the rodeo per Bob Tallman's request. For those of you who don't know, Bob Tallman is a famous rodeo announcer that has been at CJD for several years. Tallman, in his infinite wisdom thought it would take "too much time" for the military flags, and started calling the shots on a rodeo that isn't his to call. He is an announcer paid by the money brought in by the hard working volunteers of Chief Joseph Days. It is because of the good men and women in the military that he is able to announce and make such cowardly decisions that aren't his to make in the first place. I personally would not lose sleep if Bob Tallman never announced at Chief Joseph Days again. Personally, I do not agree with the Bush administration and it's decisions for military action, however, I never seize my support for our military. Our community and people are much larger than a fool who thinks a few minutes is too much to spare to honor the folks who bring us our freedom.

*Sigh*... now onto the fun part.

A lot of my friends are in town for the big celebration. It is great to see everyone again. It reminds me a lot of last summer. I wish everyone was here this summer like last year. Oh well, I'm going to enjoy it while it is going on! We have been going out on the lake all the time and it has been great. Here are a few recent photos from our outings:

Jay attempts a back (or forward flip)

Christian is quite a stud on the wakeboard

Kelsi and Kelsi watch Dylan and Jay wakeboard

Dylan re-learns wakeboarding after a several month absence from Wallowa Lake

Lane cracks up as someone gets 'dumped' off the kite tube.

In other news, I have been helping my friend and employee Keithanne Boeve' move into Joseph from the lake. It has been exhausting at times, but so worth it to see her happy in her new home. Keep up to date with KEITHANNE'S BLOG as she will be updating it (with some nudging from me).

Well folks, that's all for now! -LB

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Top Ten for week of July 15, 2006

1. Keithanne Boeve'
2. Jay Watts
3. Hannah Bobbitt
4. Cynthia Hilden
5. Kyle Hook
6. Kyle Bollman
7. Debbie Bobbitt
8. Carl Bobbitt
9. Sterling Shetler
10. Thane Shetler

The Best Monday Ever... YEAH!

This past Monday has to be the best Monday I have ever had... ever!

First of all, Sunday night I was at a social gathering with some friends, and I ran into Marlene McDowell, who owns Eagle Cap Packstation and Eagle Cap Parasailing. I was showing her the pictures I had taken of a friend parasailing, and she asked "have you ever been up?" and I said "nope, but I would like to at some point." She said, "what are you doing tomorrow (Monday)..." and before I could even reply that I had to work she said "oh you have to go, I'm putting you on the schedule right when I get home!" Sure enough, Monday morning I was up in the sky over beautiful Wallowa Lake. Friends Keithanne Boeve' and Cynthia Hilden (who I took pictures of prior when she was parasailing) were nice enough to sit on the boat and watch. Keithanne took plenty of pictures.

Later in the day (after deciding to take the day off from work), I went out to La Grande and watched You, Me, and Depree at the movies. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be but it was still worth watching.

It was a GRRREEEEEAAAATTT Monday and I will never forget the day I got to play hookie!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Top Ten for week of July 8, 2006

1. Jay Watts
2. Matt Williams
3. Kyle Hook
4. Melissa Newhouse
5. Sterling Shetler
6. Kyle Bollman
7. Alyse Fisher
8. Thane Shetler
9. Keithanne Boeve'
10. Ezekial Hale

A Roommate

The past year has involved many, many changes in my life. I bought a house for the first time, my business is growing faster than ever, and I, too am changing. I've experienced my share of 'growing pains' this past year as well.

Ever since I have been out of college I have lived alone. But one day after a lot of thinking I decided to make a change. I found it to be a good move to find one of my friends to rent a room to. I've got plenty of room in my house with only one person living in it, and it seemed like a good choice to try a change. We'll see if I kill Kyle before this is all over, but for now it's working out great and I am enjoying his company.

Kyle will be here through the summer, so it's not forever. I am happy to have him around as long as he wants to stay. Here he is with his girlfriend (pictured).

Jason & Amy

My great weekend concluded with hanging out with Jason and Amy... some friends I met through Chris Gamboa. Amy is a fellow cancer survivor and ever since I met her I've felt a connection with her because we have both come through a tremendous battle.

Wednesday night I got to go have dinner with them on one of their rare trips to Wallowa County. The evening also included playing some miniature golf at Eagle Cap Chalets.

It was fun to unwind and spend the weekend with friends!

Independence Day Weekend

After a stressful several weeks at my business, I finally got to relax and enjoy the company of friends this past weekend. Some of the friends old, some new... which kept things very exciting and upbeat.

July 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5th I spent the day out on my boat with a variety of people. In the evening we all hung out at my house... it was like a party every night!

We also played at lot of pool. Here you see Zeke making a shot while Sterling and Melissa look on.

As for business, it's good, real good, maybe too good? I don't know, there is just so much to do and so little time. I could stay there 24 hours a day and still not get completly caught up. Keithanne, Jay, and my sister are doing everything they can to keep my business moving along and they are doing a great job!

I am just thankful I've had some time off to breathe and update this blog... FINALLY!

A Very Happy 4th!

Back in business boys and girls! My blog is now back up and running with all past articles. It has been over 2 months since it has fully operational.

I had an absolutly sensational 4th. I spent about 95% of the weekend out on my boat and had a blast!

A whole bunch of my friends joined me for the fun filled weekend. Here are a few memorable moments...

Melissa Newhouse (my favorite new friend), makes quite a smurk, doesn't she?

Matt Williams is quite the happy guy!

Jay Watts gets some mad air at Wallowa Lake!

Thanks to all my friends for making the weekend of the 4th a fun one! Melissa, I hope your happy that I was finally able to start posting on this thing again, as everyone else is I would imagine!!! Take care, -LB

Top Ten for June 2006

1. Jay Watts
2. Keithanne Boeve'
3. Sterling Shetler
4. Ezekial Hale
5. Thane Shetler
6. Chris Gamboa
7. Kyle Hook
8. Melissa Newhouse
9. Christian Ambroson
10. Kyle Bollman

Finally, an update! (orginally posted on 6/11/06)

A lot has gone on in the month I didn't get to post. A lot!

This is a "temporary" posting spot until the geniuses at Google can figure out why my blog has been erroring out!

So, what's been happening? A lot you could say. First my business: it has been insane. Though I've said it before, it's been making me feel nuts at times. Being short handed first turned out to be a blessing, and then turned out to be a nightmare. For a few weeks it was just slow enough I could handle things. But then things got hectic again and I was doing the work of three people. I exhausted myself into a near depression. And just when I thought I couldn't dig myself out, light appeared at the end of the tunnel. Jay Watts, who worked for me last summer agreed to step in this summer as well and work nearly full time through September. Plus, I've had a couple more leads at new employees. Finally some relief is headed my way. I am already starting to feel better in all areas of my business, and feel there is some sanity in the air.

Now, personally... I've been through a bit of a roller coaster there, too. As a direct result of my business I've had plenty of ups and downs. I have been rather exhausted at times, and sometimes felt there was no way out. I know that sounds like a commercial for anti-depressants, but that is truly how I've felt at times. But things are changing, the weather is getting better (I think), business has been good, and my friends are around all the time so my spirits are getting a lot better every day!

Two weeks ago I suffered a hard drive crash to boot! I lost quite a few pictures and documents at home, but thankfully my business files were unaffected. I was able to recover most of my stuff too, but it was a very inconvenient incident that took a bunch of my valuable time.

Well I am going to try to keep you all up to date more regularly in this blog or when I go back to the old one. Take care everyone!


Blog Problems (posted 6/11/06)

My oh my has it been a long time since I've posted. My old blog is still not fixed. What a mess that is, I'm waiting for the fine folks at blogger (google) to fix my old blog. In the meantime I'm going to use this temporary spot to keep you up to date!