Keep an eye out for the top ten of 2006 in the coming week! Though the list is delayed from it's normal debut, it will still be ready to go before the new year! Again, Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you all! -LB
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Keep an eye out for the top ten of 2006 in the coming week! Though the list is delayed from it's normal debut, it will still be ready to go before the new year! Again, Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you all! -LB
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Top Ten for week of December 9, 2006
2. Haddie Schmidt
3. Sterling Shetler
4. Chris Gamboa
5. Cynthia Hilden
6. Alyse Fischer
7. Hannah Bobbitt
8. Debbie Bobbitt
9. Carl Bobbitt
10.Kyle Bollman
It's That Time of Year
Okay, so I'm not a big fan of the 'holidays.' I have in recent years even been known to get a little depressed around this time of year. I have a wonderful family and group of friends to spend them with, but yet the time of year bores me to death.
I am starting to change my tune though, and focus my feelings on the real reason for the holidays. To give to others, especially those who need it the most. 9 years ago this month I was diagnosed with Lymphoma, and people came pouring out of the woodwork to help me.
Recently, three people I know in the county I live in have been diagnosed with cancer, a couple of them terminal. I think it's time I stop feeling sorry for myself and put positive thoughts their way and pray for them and their families, just like the folks did for me.
Besides, I have plenty to be thankful for -- a striving and successful business which employs people; a great family, and a whole lot of friends. This year I promise to be HAPPIER for the HOLIDAYS!
Friday, November 17, 2006
A Good Time Was Had By All (until I got sick)
Yeah it's been quite some time (once again) since I've updated. But I am more than happy to update you and hopefully stay on top of it this time around.
First of all, I am writing this blog entry just off the heals of a terribly horrible stomach flu. Yeah, I was in bed for the past couple of days (or on my couch watching TV). I was pretty useless, but got some television and back Tivo recordings caught up on.
My sickness couldn't have come a day sooner or I wouldn't have made it back from vacation. What I time I had... what a time we had... yes I took a friend along and we had a great time!
Chris came along with me to the Oregon Coast, Gleneden Beach to be more specific. We really enjoyed our stay at a beautiful condo which was oceanfront.
If I don't write before Thanksgiving, everyone have a great holiday!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Top Ten for Week of October 14, 2006
2. Sterling Shetler
3. Haddie Schmidt
4. Chris Gamboa
5. Debbie Bobbitt
6. Carl Bobbitt
7. Hannah Bobbitt
8. Kyle Hook
9. Alyse Fischer
10.Cynthia Hilden
Good Week, Good Friends
This weekend was rather uneventful. I did go to Joseph's football game on Friday, it was a fun trip and a rather interesting game after two players were ejected from the game. We still ended up pulling off the win, but next week's game could be a little more challenging.
Spent Sunday night watching a movie with some friends at the lake. It was a peaceful, entertaining, yet restful time -- which is something I needed very bad!
Looking forward to another week... doing my best to stay on top of everything -- which is only getting easier with the new help.
More later! -LB
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Top Ten for Week of September 30, 2006
2. Sterling Shetler
3. Chris Gamboa
4. Jay Watts
5. Hannah Bobbitt
6. Debbie Bobbitt
7. Carl Bobbitt
8. Cynthia Hilden
9. Marisa Gamboa
10.Kyle Hook
It's About Freeegin' Time!
What is going on in my life? As usual my answer is 'a lot of work.' It continues to stress me, but provides me a living at the same time. Do I love doing what I do? For the most part.
Thursday I had a pretty rotten day. One of my friends was mad at me, and a pin head business owner called me to chew me out over things I was 'supposedly' saying about his business. Anything I've said about it has been true. I choose not to mention his name, because it is not worth mentioning. The business is poor, and the customers are treated terribly. This I have evidence of.
So I should focus on the positive. I have a new employee, she is absolutely great. I knew instantly she would be come an asset to my business. She is a quick learner as well. I have true talent on my hands.
Filming a game in Imbler on Friday. Looking forward to leaving the county for at least a few hours. Hopefully Joseph will do well.
Look for new pictures in my photo gallery soon. I've got some pretty big changes coming to my own site as well as my business site. Keep checking back!
Thursday was a crummy day, but this week has been excellent. I thank my family and friends for the strength I have each day. -LB
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Top Ten for Week of September 2, 2006
2. Jay Watts
3. Debbie Bobbitt
4. Sterling Shetler
5. Alyse Fischer
6. Chris Gamboa
7. Kyle Bollman
8. Kyle Hook
9. Melissa Newhouse
10.Ezekial Hale
A Very Happy Birthday & Labor Day Weekend
Of course, I also enjoyed my 26th birthday and had a good time. Friday night we filled up nearly half of El Bajio for my "party." I was happy to be able to see all my friends there. I also got plenty of overly generous gifts. It was a good time had by all.
Alyse made me a birthday cake! I was so surprised and happy, then to top it off she and Sterling bought me a set of knives. I have to thank them and everyone else for their pouring of generosity when I felt it was unnecessary. But it is nice to be loved!
This weekend was full of events, my roommate Kyle Bollman officially moved out and headed for Oklahoma. I have my house to myself now. Don't know if I'll have another roommate; at least not in the near future. Several other friends were off to college this weekend now, and it is dawning on me that summer is over. I will just enjoy the moment and cherish the last few moments I have with my friends while they are still around. -LB
Sunday, August 27, 2006
This Too, Has Passed
What a difference a week makes. Last week I was complaining about lousy customers' attitudes... this week couldn't have been more the opposite. I dealt with mostly pleasant people (perhaps they read this blog?) -- I doubt it, but it was like night and day. We were glad to have a break. That doesn't mean business was slow, however; no quite the contrary... LB Productions is rising high out of a lull from last month. We aren't ever slow, but we were slower in July, but August has been exactly the opposite. Probably the most exciting thing is the new computer line we are building. Tidal Wave Computers hit the floor this week, and they are already selling before we can build them. I came up with the idea to build high quality computers a few weeks ago after I've had increasingly less confidence in Dell. Though I still believe they are a very solid machine, it is the customer service and support that is suffering. They are trying far too hard to compete with Wal-Mart specials, and thus the support suffers. When I originally started my relationship with Dell they were high-end machines, mostly used by the corporate world. I am not sure if their competition with the low-end market has helped them. I will still continue to sell the notebooks indefinitely, because I think no one builds them better -- but I believe I can beat the price and quality of the desktops and have quicker turn around for my customers.
Enough about business, hope everyone is having a good weekend. I know I am! -LB
Top Ten for Week of August 26, 2006
2. Kyle Bollman
3. Jay Watts
4. Debbie Bobbitt
5. Carl Bobbitt
6. Chris Gamboa
7. Joe Dawson
8. Hannah Bobbitt
9. Ezekial Hale
10.Sterling Shetler
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The Joys of Business
Yes, I'm ranting... but I have good reason. People just don't get it. When you are working your butt off trying to help them out -- they just don't seem to get it.
Earlier this week I had a client call me up and claim that I was "overcharging" her because she thought a computer tutorial to operate her powerpoint was included in the computer sale. I thought for a moment and regained my clarity of the situation. Does a car dealer give you free driving lessons with a car? Obviously not. So I knew I was not out of line in the situation. So, I met the person half way and they still were somewhat unsatisfied.
Oh, the joys of business. Though I must say most of the time my business is NOT like this, but you too can relate when there's one or two bad seeds in the pile it tends to ruin your day (or week in my case). This week has been just as crazy, but far less irate (thank God). I am hopefully growing a thicker skin through all of this and becoming a better businessman for it. Okay, there folks I am done. I promise to be a lot more chipper next blogging session! :) -LB
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Top Ten for week of July 29, 2006
2. Keithanne Boeve'
3. Jay Watts
4. Christian Ambroson
5. Kyle Bollman
6. Kyle Hook
7. Cynthia Hilden
8. Sterling Shetler
9. Elisa Gamboa
10.Dylan Lewis
Lazy Sunday
I went to the rodeo Saturday night and had a pretty good time. It wasn't the best, nor the worst rodeo I've ever seen at CJD. It was worthwhile, however. I was also pleased to see the announcer (Bob Tallman) recognize the military at least to a certain extent. Though I am still angry about the whole situation that occured (read previous post), he at least didn't go completly sour in my book.
Had a great time selling beer tokens in the Thunder Room Saturday night. A lot of crazy and rowdy drunks were there as a person can imagine. Even some underage drinkers trying to sneek in. The evening was exciting, but enough is a enough for another year. -LB
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Top Ten for week of July 22, 2006
2. Jay Watts
3. Kyle Bollman
4. Ezekial Hale
5. Kyle Hook
6. Melissa Newhouse
7. Debbie Bobbitt
8. Hannah Bobbitt
9. Christian Ambroson
10. Carl Bobbitt
Chief Joseph Days
First, I'll start with the negative and then move to the positive...
My sister Hannah is part of the military flag team that presents the flags during each rodeo performance honoring our men and women in the military. After practicing for two weeks, her and her teammates were told they wouldn't appear during the rodeo per Bob Tallman's request. For those of you who don't know, Bob Tallman is a famous rodeo announcer that has been at CJD for several years. Tallman, in his infinite wisdom thought it would take "too much time" for the military flags, and started calling the shots on a rodeo that isn't his to call. He is an announcer paid by the money brought in by the hard working volunteers of Chief Joseph Days. It is because of the good men and women in the military that he is able to announce and make such cowardly decisions that aren't his to make in the first place. I personally would not lose sleep if Bob Tallman never announced at Chief Joseph Days again. Personally, I do not agree with the Bush administration and it's decisions for military action, however, I never seize my support for our military. Our community and people are much larger than a fool who thinks a few minutes is too much to spare to honor the folks who bring us our freedom.
*Sigh*... now onto the fun part.
A lot of my friends are in town for the big celebration. It is great to see everyone again. It reminds me a lot of last summer. I wish everyone was here this summer like last year. Oh well, I'm going to enjoy it while it is going on! We have been going out on the lake all the time and it has been great. Here are a few recent photos from our outings:
Lane cracks up as someone gets 'dumped' off the kite tube.
Well folks, that's all for now! -LB
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Top Ten for week of July 15, 2006
2. Jay Watts
3. Hannah Bobbitt
4. Cynthia Hilden
5. Kyle Hook
6. Kyle Bollman
7. Debbie Bobbitt
8. Carl Bobbitt
9. Sterling Shetler
10. Thane Shetler
The Best Monday Ever... YEAH!
First of all, Sunday night I was at a social gathering with some friends, and I ran into Marlene McDowell, who owns Eagle Cap Packstation and Eagle Cap Parasailing. I was showing her the pictures I had taken of a friend parasailing, and she asked "have you ever been up?" and I said "nope, but I would like to at some point." She said, "what are you doing tomorrow (Monday)..." and before I could even reply that I had to work she said "oh you have to go, I'm putting you on the schedule right when I get home!" Sure enough, Monday morning I was up in the sky over beautiful Wallowa Lake. Friends Keithanne Boeve' and Cynthia Hilden (who I took pictures of prior when she was parasailing) were nice enough to sit on the boat and watch. Keithanne took plenty of pictures.
Later in the day (after deciding to take the day off from work), I went out to La Grande and watched You, Me, and Depree at the movies. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be but it was still worth watching.
It was a GRRREEEEEAAAATTT Monday and I will never forget the day I got to play hookie!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Top Ten for week of July 8, 2006
2. Matt Williams
3. Kyle Hook
4. Melissa Newhouse
5. Sterling Shetler
6. Kyle Bollman
7. Alyse Fisher
8. Thane Shetler
9. Keithanne Boeve'
10. Ezekial Hale
A Roommate
The past year has involved many, many changes in my life. I bought a house for the first time, my business is growing faster than ever, and I, too am changing. I've experienced my share of 'growing pains' this past year as well.
Ever since I have been out of college I have lived alone. But one day after a lot of thinking I decided to make a change. I found it to be a good move to find one of my friends to rent a room to. I've got plenty of room in my house with only one person living in it, and it seemed like a good choice to try a change. We'll see if I kill Kyle before this is all over, but for now it's working out great and I am enjoying his company.
Kyle will be here through the summer, so it's not forever. I am happy to have him around as long as he wants to stay. Here he is with his girlfriend (pictured).
Jason & Amy
My great weekend concluded with hanging out with Jason and Amy... some friends I met through Chris Gamboa. Amy is a fellow cancer survivor and ever since I met her I've felt a connection with her because we have both come through a tremendous battle.
Wednesday night I got to go have dinner with them on one of their rare trips to Wallowa County. The evening also included playing some miniature golf at Eagle Cap Chalets.
It was fun to unwind and spend the weekend with friends!
Independence Day Weekend
After a stressful several weeks at my business, I finally got to relax and enjoy the company of friends this past weekend. Some of the friends old, some new... which kept things very exciting and upbeat.
July 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5th I spent the day out on my boat with a variety of people. In the evening we all hung out at my house... it was like a party every night!
We also played at lot of pool. Here you see Zeke making a shot while Sterling and Melissa look on.
As for business, it's good, real good, maybe too good? I don't know, there is just so much to do and so little time. I could stay there 24 hours a day and still not get completly caught up. Keithanne, Jay, and my sister are doing everything they can to keep my business moving along and they are doing a great job!
I am just thankful I've had some time off to breathe and update this blog... FINALLY!
A Very Happy 4th!
I had an absolutly sensational 4th. I spent about 95% of the weekend out on my boat and had a blast!
A whole bunch of my friends joined me for the fun filled weekend. Here are a few memorable moments...
Matt Williams is quite the happy guy!
Jay Watts gets some mad air at Wallowa Lake!
Top Ten for June 2006
2. Keithanne Boeve'
3. Sterling Shetler
4. Ezekial Hale
5. Thane Shetler
6. Chris Gamboa
7. Kyle Hook
8. Melissa Newhouse
9. Christian Ambroson
10. Kyle Bollman
Finally, an update! (orginally posted on 6/11/06)
This is a "temporary" posting spot until the geniuses at Google can figure out why my blog has been erroring out!
So, what's been happening? A lot you could say. First my business: it has been insane. Though I've said it before, it's been making me feel nuts at times. Being short handed first turned out to be a blessing, and then turned out to be a nightmare. For a few weeks it was just slow enough I could handle things. But then things got hectic again and I was doing the work of three people. I exhausted myself into a near depression. And just when I thought I couldn't dig myself out, light appeared at the end of the tunnel. Jay Watts, who worked for me last summer agreed to step in this summer as well and work nearly full time through September. Plus, I've had a couple more leads at new employees. Finally some relief is headed my way. I am already starting to feel better in all areas of my business, and feel there is some sanity in the air.
Now, personally... I've been through a bit of a roller coaster there, too. As a direct result of my business I've had plenty of ups and downs. I have been rather exhausted at times, and sometimes felt there was no way out. I know that sounds like a commercial for anti-depressants, but that is truly how I've felt at times. But things are changing, the weather is getting better (I think), business has been good, and my friends are around all the time so my spirits are getting a lot better every day!
Two weeks ago I suffered a hard drive crash to boot! I lost quite a few pictures and documents at home, but thankfully my business files were unaffected. I was able to recover most of my stuff too, but it was a very inconvenient incident that took a bunch of my valuable time.
Well I am going to try to keep you all up to date more regularly in this blog or when I go back to the old one. Take care everyone!
Blog Problems (posted 6/11/06)
Monday, June 05, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Top Ten for May 2006
1. Keithanne Boeve'
2. Ezekial Hale
3. Kyle Hook
4. Chris Gamboa
5. Christian Ambroson
6. Sterling Shetler
7. Kyle Bollman
8. Melissa Newhouse
9. Heather Sturm
10. Clay Hayward
Lost Marathon
For the past couple weeks, a show has consumed me. That show is LOST. My friends and I have been having these unbelievable marathons almost every night. It all started when I got season 1 on my Netflix. From there it grew into an obsession of sorts, almost half a dozen of my friends have been joining me every night to check out the next few episodes. When I found out I couldn't get the season 2 DVD until October, I had to take matters into my own hands. I bought it on iTunes and burned it to DVD so we could watch through the end of the current season. Now with it all over, we are left in suspense until freaking September! I don't think I've been obsessed with a show like this since, well... umm... Grey's Anatomy.
Wallowa Valley Live
This past Thursday I went on the radio with my pal Patrick "Fuzzy" Channing. It was a lot of fun playing my favorite music and chatting with him on air. This program, Wallowa Valley Live is about the coolest thing a small town radio station could do. You get to go on for a couple hours and play your favorite music and chat about current events, and stuff in general.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Top Ten for Week of 4/29/06
2. Jay Watts
3. Christian Ambroson
4. Thane Shetler
5. Dylan Lewis
6. Heather Sturm
7. Debbie Bobbitt
8. Carl Bobbitt
9. Amy Kyle-Percy
10. Hannah Bobbitt
Saturday, April 29, 2006
A Weekend of Friends
After losing an employee at LB Productions I have found myself short handed, I have been working 10-12 hour days. It has been exhausting and exciting at the same time. I am entering a new chapter in my business. Who knows where it will go from here, but whatever I do I'll keep moving along.
Thankfully, just what the doc ordered this weekend... I had several of my friends in town from college and I was able to hang out and chill with them this weekend. I have lots of work still to do, but that time will also come and go again. I am just taking life one step at a time right now. Lots of interesting things have been coming down the pike. -LB
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Black Clouds & Underdogs
Me and a couple other friends trecked up to the Tacoma Dome where it filled to 15,000 people! We were literally only a few feet from the stage (as you can see) so we were in a good spot... so you think. My friends and I almost got sucked into a mosh pit a couple different times, I got kicked in the head by a body surfer, and I was hit in the face with a shoe. Despite all the rowdiness it was an AWESOME time. It felt so good to get out of town and have a good time with my two good friends Dylan and Kyle.
Fall Out Boy was really exciting in concert, but I think my favorite performers would have to be Hawthorne Heights -- I absolutely love their music.
This second crappy photo I took during Fall Out Boy's performace. It was full of entertainment and fire!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Top Ten for week of 4/1/06
2. Hannah Bobbitt
3. Heather Sturm
4. Keithanne Boevé
5. Christian Zollman
6. Kyle Hook
7. A.D. Lewis
8. Debbie Bobbitt
9. Carl Bobbitt
10. Chris Gamboa
Looking Forward to an Awesome Weekend
While we're at it, I can't wait until summer! It's been spring for a couple of weeks now, but it still feels like winter in Wallowa County. The days are getting longer and it's getting slightly warmer, but nothing major yet.
As I reported to you last week, I was ill, very ill. Still don't know what it was -- but I can tell you I have bounced back and I feel a whole lot better. It was a nasty bug!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Top Ten for week of 3/25/06
2. Keithanne Boevé
3. Heather Sturm
4. Debbie Bobbitt
5. Carl Bobbitt
6. Sterling Shetler
7. Christian Zollman
8. Kyle Hook
9. A.D. Lewis
10. Christian Ambroson
Down with the Sickness
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Ron Thompson Benefit
$27,000.00 was raised at the benefit Saturday, March 18, 2006. Though that will only be a small drop in the bucket for his medical expenses, Ron, his wife Marty, and their family have witnessed how truly generous Wallowa County is.
Friends Les and Ava Bridges helped put on the benefit, and it was because of their tireless efforts (among others) that made this such a successful event. Ron and his family are blessed to have such wonderful friends.
I was blessed 8 years ago today when I finished my final chemotherapy treatment. I was blessed by 35 of my good friends, my senior class at Joseph High School, my guardian angels who chose to not have a senior trip, but instead to donate the money to my bills.
Seeing Ron Thompson and James Huffman's situations, I've been able to reminisce what was one of the darkest and brightest times of my life. -LB
Top Ten for week of 3/18/06
2. Christian Zollman
3. Christian Ambroson
4. Heather Sturm
5. Hannah Bobbitt
6. Carl Bobbitt
7. Debbie Bobbitt
8. Kyle Hook
9. Thane Shetler
10. Brooke Moncrief
Friday, March 10, 2006
Workin' For The Weekend
My condolences go to my best pal Christian A., as he lost is grandpa this past week. I was lucky enough to meet him shortly before he passed away. I will be praying for you buddy.
A friend of Keithanne's (an employee and friend of mine) also passed away this week, so I will be thinking of that family as well.
Time for a weekend of rest! -LB
New Car
Monday, March 06, 2006
Ben Folds
Went to Lewiston this past Sunday (March 5), to go see my good buddy Christian Ambroson. Turned out, there was a Ben Folds concert in Moscow Idaho, and in a total spur of the moment thing -- we decided to go. I was glad we did.
Talk about some dumb luck. We show up to buy tickets at the door, run into a couple guys willing to sell us floor passes (only offered to students). So we ended up being right at the stage!
I have just gotten into Ben Folds lately (primarily because of Christian), but what a talent they are. Formerly 'Ben Folds Five,' -- 'Ben Folds' is the solo act version. Ben is such a talent! This concert was shock treatment for my soul. The picture is what the concert looked like.
I am glad for once in a long time I didn't have a boring weekend! I even got to hang out with my old friend Chris Lozier. It was a weekend packed full of fun and hanging out with friends!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
After a long dispute with my former landlords, I have come out victorious.
It all started last September when I bought a house and moved out of a rental I was living in. The landlords decided to keep all but a very small portion of my $600.00 deposit. After lots of communication in the form of verbal and written, the landlords disagreed with me. Wallowa Mountain Properties managed the rental, and disputed they were at fault for taking my deposit. In the end, however, after a court hearing, the judge went in favor of me, the plaintiff, and I was awarded a generous chuck of my deposit back, plus court fees.
It seems landlords often take deposits. Whether they are doing the right thing or not, that apparently is something for the court to decide.
I know I felt in my heart I was in the right, I spoke my story; and I now feel vindicated!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
TOP TEN for week of 2/18/06
- Keithanne Boeve
- Chris Gamboa
- Christian Zollman
- Hannah Bobbitt
- Debbie Bobbitt
- Carl Bobbitt
- Pat Zyblut
- Thane Shetler
- Amy Johnson
- Christian Ambroson
Snow in Joseph
Yeah, it snowed here, and I'm not happy about it. In fact, I am cranky. Why couldn't of this happened in say DECEMBER? Or at Christmas time for that matter? Just as everyone is sick of winter, it snows, and it snows a lot. Thursday night were pleasantly surprised to see about a foot of snow here in Joseph. It was quite a shock to all of us. It had been spitting snow all day, but as soon as 5 o'clock hit, we were hit hard. Almost 2 inches an hour as a matter of fact. Until about 10pm, the snow fell hard. Joseph was buried.
The weather guys were saying it was just supposed to be "cold artic air from parts of Canada... it's a dry airmass..." I ask "then where did all this snow come from?" How come the weather guys seem to be more wrong than right most of the time?
What's funny is this snow didn't hit anywhere but the southern part of the Wallowa Valley. Odd. You go to Enterprise, and there's barely a skiff there. Odd. Very Odd. But the picture tells the story of how winter just doesn't ever seem to end early in Wallowa County.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
A New Era
I cannot wait to hear back from you people! I know I have weekly and daily returning visitors to my website. I know people like my Aunt Pat check all the time, while others stop by less often. I know from checking my logs that my Aunt Pat isn't my only daily visitor. Who ever you are... drop a line sometime too, k?
This new era will probably mean the demise of my "news" section of my site -- we'll see. If so, I'll phase it out and put in more pretty pictures of myself. Naaah, I've got better looking friends I can put in that slot.
In the future, I may also be posting the top ten here. I guess we will have to wait and see if this new 'blog' pans out. I have a feeling it will.
Monday, February 13, 2006
January 2006 News
Yes, that's right folks, another update. Why so soon you ask? I'm trying to do a better job here.
My life has just been insane lately. Everyone working at my business is going crazy because of everything there is to do. Meanwhile, I have been filling in during afternoons at the Extension Office. I am opting-out of filling in so much because my business has become so demanding. I will say the time I do work out of my office is a nice break!
I am still walking every night. I have been since October, don't know if I'm getting fit or not, but I am sure feeling a lot better!
Yeah, it just might be about that time to update my site. How freakin' lame. I go three weeks without an update? Should I complain about how my life is hectic and I can't seem to ever get a chance? Well things do seem to be simmering down a bit and I can return to regular updates. Happy New Year by the way! Let's hope 2006 is a great year.
January hasn't exactly started off with a bang, but hey the Seahawks are going to the Superbowl!!!
I'm thinking new year, new page ... look for that soon.
It's a new year! I'm ready to go back to the daily routine of my life. I look forward to a prosperous 2006.
Had a good time over the holidays with my family and all my friends in town.
2005 News
It's that time of year again! Yes, on Christmas day I will put out the TOP TEN of 2005! The top ten most influential people in my life during this past year.
Well, you'd think I would have time to update this site more often now, but business doesn't ever seem to let up and it has most of my life occupied these days. It is both good and bad. I don't have time like I use to, to do the things I want. On the other side of the token, my business is bigger and more profitable than ever. Should I complain? Probably not. Maybe I'll retire early... not likely!
Had a good time at Thanksgiving with my aunt Pat (my favorite aunt I might add). I know you are reading this, and don't think I'm just saying that. It's the truth. My cousin JP and his girlfriend were there, along with uncle Terry who was a "delight."
Returned from Salem this past week to do some Christmas shopping. Hit a deer and messed up the front end of my pickup. The roads were slick in Minam that night, and I just kept my course to avoid sliding off into the river. Thankful I'm alive, and the only thing that's hurt is my stupid pickup :)
Another long week finally over! This week was rough, but I can handled it just fine. Will be having a great Thanksgiving holiday this weekend.
Really excited about Joseph making it to the 1A finals in football. That game is Saturday and I will be filming it.
Business has slowed a little, but not much. The cold weather hasn't stopped most of my customers!
My first week back in Oregon proves to be an interesting one. First, I come home to lots of snow and cold weather *yuck.* Secondly, I learn the news that my previous landlords are trying to screw me over by taking my deposit -- I'm not going to let this stand. Third, on a more bright note - I got to meet some really cool people this past weekend. They are mutual friends of Chris and I had a good time getting to know Jason and Amy. Amy is a fellow cancer survivor, and I found it way cool being to relate to someone who has been in my shoes.
LB Productions is just slammed right now, but I have the most brilliant staff ever working for me -- which I wouldn't know what to do without!
Just got back from Florida, and had a blast! I went to Walt Disney World and Universal Studios (as you can see on the left). I went down to visit my friend Clay Hayward who is going to school in nearby Daytona Beach. This trip was many firsts for me. It is the first time I can remember flying, the first time I have been east of the Mississippi and the first time I have seen the Atlantic Ocean. This was truly a trip of a lifetime for me, and I have many photos which I will put online soon.
Came back to Joseph on November 2nd to cold and snow after being in 80 degree weather in Florida. Welcome home Levi!
One week and I'm going to Florida! I am so excited. This will be my first major trip in sometime.
One wedding down, one to go. I filmed a wedding this past weekend and next Saturday I am filming another before I leave on my trip.
All moved in, and loving it! I am finally in my new house and I look forward to being a home owner. What a refreshing change in my life, I'm so thankful for my friend Linda and everyone else who helped make this a reality for me.
Spent the past week at the Extension office, going back to regular schedule in my office this coming week.
As our lives return to normal - if that's even the right word... I am reminded of how just two weeks ago all was right. How lives in a community can change in moments is increadible. We all have been dealing with the tragic loss of our friend, brother, son, nephew, and grandson Lance Strickland. There are no answers to why he was taken from us, but all we can do is hope he's in a good place now. As his sister stated "Lance may have been an angel walking earth..." She couldn't have put it better. He's one of those people everyone got along with. Though the pain is beginning to heal, but we still have a hard time accepting his departure from this earth.
Last week I created what I call the "best-worst" video I have ever made. It turned out good, but it's so unfortunate for the reason it was made. I only hope it represented Lance well and that it will help people remember him.
For me, and I know a lot of people, this has been by far the worst thing we've ever had to deal with in our lifetimes. I think back to when I had cancer and it doesn't seem like anything to the pain I've experienced recently. At the same time it is hard for me to imagine if I was a family member, and so I focus as much as I can to helping them through it.
As I write this, it still doesn't quite seem real, I keep wishing it wasn't...
I have put together all the photos I have taken of Lance as well as other people's and his senior pictures, in the Lance Gallery.
The countdown continues! Moving day to my newly owned home is just days away. I'm very, very excited!
Enjoyed some fun out on the boat this past weekend. The summer seems to be ending fast and the days are few to enjoy the warm weather.
September 2nd is my 25th birthday.
With a few weeks left, my business is about to see a major shift in staff. I will be looking for (one) replacement of my (two) full time employees. Business is not slow, not even close, but two people at once is just too much. My newest hire will stay on, and move up the ladder.
Three weeks until closing on my new house. I'm very excited and can hardly wait to make the transition.
A couple of my friends will be heading off to college this week. It's quite a change for their lives, but we won't miss the good times we had this summer.
I know it's been a while... but don't worry, I have not forgotten you. Some big things are happening in my life right now. Stress at an all-time high, but it is a lot of good stress.
My biggest news is my house-hunting finally turned up good for me last week. After offering and counter offering on a house in north Joseph, things just did not work out. Only a few days later on the south end of Joseph I found the place I wanted. After only a couple offers, I got the house and my dream of becoming a home owner became a reality. I'll keep you posted.
I've been spending a lot of time out on the lake lately with my friends, its been a great way to beat the heat.
Two weeks gone by, and maybe some relief in sight? My new employee is working out tremendously, and I am very thankful to have him on board. Friday I worked at the Extension Office. This past Saturday was my first in sometime without a wedding. Last week I got a severe sinus infection and had to miss a wedding. Thankfully a couple friends helped out and took care of it for me. It turned out great.
Working at the Extension office Monday, then return back to my office on Tuesday. This week should be interesting as I have been looking at houses lately and might be making an offer soon on something.
Another immensly busy week gone by in my business. Another one on the way. Last week finished off with the wedding of my friend Willie Baynes. It was a nice wedding just outside of Walla Walla. My congratulations to him and his bride!
Got out on the lake this past Sunday. Even though it looked like it was going to rain all day it never did. There were a whole bunch of people out there it was a lot of fun!
In Salem this week visiting a friend. Taking a few days off this week, after a pretty crummy week last week. I was left with no choice but to let one of my employees go, it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I now know it was a very wise decision, but I hope the best for this person in whatever they pursue in the future.
This week has been somewhat more relaxing and I am having some fun in the Willamette Valley.
My business, LB Productions is on the move! Not far though, we are only moving two units down from where we currently reside. The new suite will have much more space and will accomodate a growing business well.
Healing up fast! I will be going in for a checkup this week, and as far as I can tell my recovery has gone well. I feel good, a bit tired at times (not sure why that is), but I am no longer hurting. I am having a bit of an issue coming off the pain killers, I have had some rough days "detoxing" from them. It is easier everyday, I was on them for over a month.
Another year... the Joseph 2005 Senior Video was a big hit at this year's graduation. What a relief I felt once graduation was over. I also filmed this year's graduation after a 6-year hiatus. Because I knew this class so well, it enabled me to put together a very good video, and the longest ever.
I have had a great Memorial Day weekend as well. Went to Lewiston and took some friends wakeboarding on the Snake River. It was a lot of fun in the sun!
I feel better every day following my hernia repair surgery about three weeks ago.
What a relief! I just finished work on Joseph's 2005 Senior Video. With the exception of the senior trip going on the tail-end, I am finished with the video and feel great! This year's video is the longest in the history of making the videos since I graduated. In length it will be a total of 45 minutes, outlasting all other years which are about a half hour. This is my best work yet, I am convinced and it promises to be an entertaining one at graduation on Saturday, May 28th.
In other news (not that there has been anytime for anything else but the senior video), I am feeling better everyday. I am almost completely off the pain killers. Looking back, I am thankful for having this surgery as I feel much better.
On Saturday, the 21st, I filmed Rory & Brooke's wedding. Rory is the son of John and Amy Johnson. Despite a little pain afterwords, I felt it went very well.
THE LATEST: Went to see the doc today and he said I am doing exceptionally well. Exceptional for the fact that I can actually walk around after being cored out like an apple.
The operation was fairly impressive according to the docs, so I am thankful everything turned out well to what was supposed to be a "common procedure." Though it turned out to be much more than that, I am feeling better and starting to heal.
I hope to see you all soon. I can be seen hobbling around town, look for me! :)
UPDATE: I am doing a lot better this Wednesday evening. I have a lot of swelling from my surgery and my days have been spent doing some light walking and reclining a whole bunch.
The surgery (for a hernia) turned out to be a lot more serious than first thought, in fact the doctors removed some fat tissues that were actually growing around the hernia. The hernia also turned out to be a lot larger than expected. In the end, however, the surgery was a success and I am spending my days at home recovering. I should return to my office next week.
Monday is the day. By the time you read this I will probably already be out of surgery. Monday, May 9th, I had surgery to repair a hernia which has been bothering me for two years now. A rather simple surgery, but enough to keep me out of my office for this week anyway. It doesn't bother me too much as you can imagine, plus I have faith in my team to do a good job anyhow.
I will be returning to LB Productions next week though, and work on the 2005 Joseph Senior Video is well on it's way. The company's larges project of the year.
LB Productions keeps growing. We are about to hire a 5th person in the next month or so. This time it will be a somewhat experienced 'out of school' person. No final desicion has been made, but due to the overwhelming demand it is a much needed addition.
Last week was another interesting one. I had my first "disgruntled" customer. I quickly resolved the problem, though I was a bit surprised as my business thrives on customer satisfaction. It caught me off guard, but this sort of thing is bound to happen no matter what when you are in business.
Hoping for some nice weather so I can break out my boat and clean it up to get ready for this summer!
This week is likely to be interesting as some of my staff will be off for an Ag trip. There will just be a couple of us!
It has been one hell of a week. I found out Monday I have a broken tailbone. It hurts REALLY BAD! Monday and Tuesday started off with a bang. I was taken off a large web development project and had mixed feelings about it. Wednesday I had leadership class to facilitate. Though it was not a disaster, it did not go smoothly as most of the presenters did not show. Thursday and Friday were rather calm with working at the Extension Office. Saturday was topped off with setting up computers that wouldn't seem to network a program. It took most of the day! Hopefully next week will go a lot better!
I'm back! Healthy and ready to go, well mostly. My life has been filled with a lot of stress lately with a bunch of new projects lingering over my head. No sign of relief in sight at my business! Everyone tells me it's a good thing, but I'm beginning to wonder how it's taking it's toll on me.
After being healthy all winter, I come down with a pretty severe cold late last week. Sure enough, now that spring is here, I suffer from illness. Late last week and this past weekend were rather miserable for me. At times I felt like my head was going to explode, and I am very fatigue. Though I am recovering from a cold, I still can't complain too loudly as there are people out there going through much worse. My thoughts are with them.
I have just returned from a very nice vacation from over on the west side of the state. My friend Linda let me house sit, so I had an excuse to leave for a week! I also got to see my good friend Heather while I was down there. We went to the beach and Spirit Mountain Casino. It was a very good and relaxing trip!
I am reorganizing my office for re-opening on Monday, March 28th.
I have returned from Pullman, Washington where I filmed my friend Jason Jone's wedding. He married a beautiful young woman (Ashley). I wish him and her all the best.
Looking forward to Friday when I depart for the west side. I am closing my office for spring break. This is the first time I have closed my office for an extended period of time since I opened it last fall.
NOTICE: Live cam is down for a while, but will be back online soon.
The news is in! LB Productions (my business) has done far better than expected in the last fiscal quarter of 2004. At first I was a bit concerned about the overhead involved with the new main street location of my business, but it has only helped business nearly double! I am now keeping almost three employees busy during the week!
This weekend was a lot duller than the past few, but I will not complain. It was nice to relax after traveling to the west side of Oregon and going to Baker City for the basketball finals.
Just returned from Baker City where the Old Oregon League had it's 1A District Basketball Tournament. Joseph did well until the finals when they lost to Imbler. It's anyone's guess where they go from here. I am just relieved in not having to drive to Baker City anymore (at least for a while). I drove there three days in a row, and it's about 110 miles from Joseph.
As if my week wasn't exhausting enough, I helped facilitate leadership with Wallowa Lake State Park manager Chris Parkins who was in "Leadership Wallowa" last year with me. We had a pretty good day going around to various businesses and places touring what people do in Wallowa County. Chris and I pulled it off fairly well!
Going to the Salem area this coming week. I'll be 'trading houses' with a friend who has a place in Stayton (10 miles east of Salem).
Went to La Grande Saturday night (2/12) to see Hitch. It was a pretty good movie. I like Kevin James' comedy. It turned out to be more about Will Smith though. Business just doesn't seem to stop. I am looking at taking on yet another web client. Though I am trying to not take anyone new on, we will see how backed up I get.
Had a pretty good week down in Salem. Saw my friend Heather, and we went to the Oregon Coast as usual. It was nice to take a break, but my business was really busy while I was away. I was getting calls from my office almost hourly -- it was getting kind of annoying, but I knew they were doing the best they could with me away.
It is looking like I will be heading down to Salem to house-sit at my friend Linda's house in the Stayton area. I am excited about that. We are "trading houses" so she can spend some time in Joseph.
It just doesn't get any better than this -- I have sold several computers this week and my business is doing phenominal at it's new location. I am almost considering extending my stay, but we will see.
Going to Salem next week to do some work, I am excited about expanding my business and taking a break from it at the same time.
New Year, new site design. I was getting quickly tired of the greys, blues, and multi-colored table setup I had on the old design, so I decided to come into the new year with a fresh look. I'm not going to deny that my site is almost U of O looking, but it is not because I am a big fan. I like OSU much better, and U of O is a distant second. Perhaps I will go with orange and black next time?
The year of 2005 is here, and I cannot say much has changed. I am as busy as ever. I have some big changes in store however, and I will announce them sometime in the near future.
2004 News
What a hectic week it has been! Just as a have gotten a couple large web projects out of the way, I've had a furry of internet and computer-related problems this week. Mostly it's the internet -- I am starting to get fed up with my internet options in this county, but what is a person to do? There is a telecommunications committee in this community that is working towards a goal of high-speed internet. This is a good thing, however, I feel in the middle somewhere not knowing if anyone is even going to invest the money here because of our population base, at the same time I wonder how life would improve with the accessibility of high-speed internet.
Well, I'm looking forward to some snow. It's been cold lately, real cold, and I'd like to see some actual snow accumulation if it is going to remain this frigid.
Had a great Thanksgiving (and no I'm not just saying that). It was good spending time with my family, including aunt, uncle, and cousin.
I feel like I'm beginning to get caught up. But I better not jinx myself. It seems like everytime I've said that in the past 18 months or so an avalanche of new business has come my way. I cannot complain about the success of my business, however, because of the revenue it is generating. I think it's great I can keep so busy in such a small community which is traditionally economically depressed during the winter months. I do consider myself fortunate.
Looking forward to the Thanksgiving Holiday this week as I will get to take some time away from my business to spend having fun enjoying friends and family.
Things are finally starting to move along at my new office in Joseph. For the past few weeks I've been unpacking and trying to run my business at the same time. Now that most of that is behind me, it looks as if things should run more smoothly from here on out.
Worked at the Extension office a couple days last week and had a somewhat relaxing weekend. We'll see what is in store for this coming week!
My friend Kyle Bollman still continues to amaze me with his newly found hobby of website creation. He's been building his own for the past few weeks after only a few suggestions and pointers from me. I keep looking to see what is new. Check out his new page at:!
I'm all settled into my new office in Joseph. It's nice having a personal life again and being more productive in my work place. Although it's more overhead than I originally wanted, it's probably going to pay me back.
Going to the valley this weekend to watch my sister barrel race and see my friend Heather. I will return to Wallowa County on Tuesday, November 9th.
Inspiration: My friend Kyle Bollman took off like a maniac once I gave him a few pointers on web page creation. Check out his new page at:!
Wow, what a rollercoaster! I have been busier than hell these past couple of weeks. The first of the major changes was the moving of LB Productions to a new main street location. After receiving some heat from landlords and making some personal descions I decided to open a office in downtown Joseph. It's a big step for me, but definitly warranted as my business was outgrowing my home.
The final league game for JHS Football is in Halfway this Friday. I am hopeful the team will make it to state playoffs. I will be filming this Friday and any future games they might have.
With the exception of going to La Grande, I have remained home here in the county for a couple weeks now. I am almost amazed at myself. I've been working a lot at the Extension Office lately, it has been okay. I have also taped some football games here at home.
On the business front I am 'revamping' my office with some new furniture. So when I'm not working on websites, computers, or videos I have been putting new furniture together... it has been grand!
I'm back again. Yes, after two whirlwind trips to Western and Southern Oregon I am back in Wallowa County for the time being. Seems as if I am getting more and more addicted to spending time over in Salem with my friends. I also delievered some DELL computers last week. It seems as if my business is growing too.
I have been keeping business strong since my return to the county. I had a pretty good-sized sale to the county this past week, I was pleased.
The coming weeks bring a lot less travel, but still a lot of trips out of the county.
In addition, when I did a service call in Grants Pass I was offered a house with a deal I couldn't refuse. I will be moving to a new location in Joseph at month's end. The thought of moving again makes me sick, but the deal makes it worth it.
I have returned from Western Oregon where I filmed for Joseph's football team in Crow (near Eugene) this past weekend. I got to see my friend Heather for a couple days as well, so it was almost a little vacation for me. I returned on Monday where I found out I would be basically turning around and going back in a week or two. I was supposed to do a service call on a computer in Grants Pass, but that didn't work out this time around -- I will be heading back soon to take care of that as well as deliever some DELL computers.
Working at the Extension Office all week, then going to Imbler to film on Friday. I might be heading towards the Willamette Valley as soon as Friday.
Going to Crow, Oregon this weekend to film Joseph's latest football game. It should be an interesting one. Also Tuesday night we found out the suspended players' appeal was upheld by the school board. Sometimes we can be followers and sometimes we can be leaders and stand up for what we believe in. I say keep fighting guys!
Working at the extension office Thursday afternoon and most of next week. My staff (Zeke and Jay) will be covering my office while I'm down there.
I am getting a lot of feedback lately about my plans to move to the west side of the state. People are telling they will strangle me if I leave Wallowa County. I am fairly certain I will be moving next fall, but haven't finalized anything yet.
Hey there, I am back with another update. I have been keeping busy as you might tell due to the lack of my updates. Selling a lot of computers lately, and have had barely anytime to myself or to hang out with my friends.
Filming football again this year. I will be in Cambridge, Idaho this Friday to film Joseph football. Last Friday I was in Prairie City, and next week it'll be in Crow, all the way down by Eugene. It's almost going to be a mini-vacation as I plan to spend a few days out of the county.
Okay, so I kind of fell a little short on my last promise... but here's another update!
It's fair week, and I am working down at the county fair, again putting together the sale plaquards (the posters that go to the buyers). This is an annual tradition for LB Productions.
Going on vacation next week. This is my first vacation in sometime, but I have made my calendar clear several months in advance for this. I will be traveling to Western Oregon and the coast. I am so excited!
Wow, it only took... what? Two weeks for me to update my site? What is going on you may ask? Well I have been just too insanely busy to get to my site. But never fear, I make time, even when it's not available.
The big weekend is finally over. I am of course am talking about Chief Joseph Days here in Joseph, Oregon. I am very thankful it's said and done. I don't really dig the drunken fest which happens here every "last full weekend in July." In fact, I did my best to avoid it. Thursday I was in the Tri Cities and Friday I went out to La Grande to watch the Bourne Supremacy (good movie by the way). Saturday I broke down and watched the rodeo (which wasn't the best in most recent years). It's becoming the same thing year after year. Nevertheless it's part of Chief Joseph Days. In addition to those activities I was out on my boat virtually everyday in the past week or so. I have been having a blast out in the sun with my friends. I am somewhat sunburned from the non-stop boating, but should heal in the next week or so.
This week will prove to be a busy one for my business LB Productions. Recently we hit $75,000 worth of sales with DELL computer. It's a proud accomplishment. I am also working on several other projects in addition to the ever growing amount of service calls I'm on.
Well, that's all for now. I promise for a more frequent update next time!
Had a great weekend, but there was a lot of work involved. A busy week ended with a busy weekend. I filmed the Zuercher-Mackin wedding at the state park at Wallowa Lake. It was a pretty good wedding. Saturday night on my way home I hit an owl! Is that supposed to be bad luck?
Working at the Extension Office on Friday, July 16th. This next week promises to be as busy as the last. Plenty of new projects on the horizion.
Had a great 4th of July weekend! Now it's back to work this week at LB Productions. Lots of orders and web work.
Check out some of my 4th of July weekend in my latest addition to my photo gallery!
Worked at the OSU Extension Service last Friday. This past weekend I enjoyed some much needed R&R on my boat out on the lake. My friends Jay Watts, Kyle Hook, and my sister have been going out on the lake almost every day this week in the evenings.
My article finally got in the local paper. It's pretty cool, I am very impressed with the work Elane Dickenson has done. Check it out!
It has been a busy few weeks, but finally things are starting to slow down to just a steady chaos. My business is more busy than ever, but finally I think I have things under control. Last week I hired someone on to help keep my sanity. Selling DELL computers like mad, working on websites, and plenty of computer repairs to keep me busy for weeks.
What do you think? My totally redesigned website. I spent a better part of two weeks getting to this stage. I think a new look every once in a while is necessary. You'll find this new site easier to get around, and a whole lot easier to look at.
There is also a new section, the "news blog," courtesty of Erin Melville. You will be able to view the back log of all my news from now on!
It's done! That's right the Joseph Senior Video was a big success again this year. I am so relieved to be done with it now. I will most likely be making several copies in the weeks to come. I will also be working on Enterprise's graduation ceremony I taped a couple weeks ago. I have many, many copies to produce of that. However, for the most part I am caught up and ready to go after my ongoing web projects once again.
Check it out, all new spring 2004 photo gallery - includes pictures of Joseph's graduation! Go to the photo gallery link to visit the latest batch of photos.
I will be adding a new article to "Levi in the News" next week as the Chieftain has written an article about my business."
Happy Memorial Day!
Hello Gin, Michele, Bruce S, Bruce K
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Hello everyone! Welcome to my new section! I'll be here as often as I can be with the latest news and more, and just to chat of course!